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Invisible Chopper


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Okay, when I try using custom skins either in DCSMax or Modman, either my helicopter is -totally- invisible, or only internal components show. No problem at all using the default skins though... Any suggestions?

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I had that happen too. I somehow got mods crossed up with modman and it started failing on the countries.lua (I think) fiile. Anyway, I ended up doing the uninstall/reinstall thing to fix. Seems it had something to do with me using a Canadian skin. Once I reinstalled I ran the modman 'all countries' mod before installing any new skins. Has been solid since.

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as nyxs said, you've prob mixed incompatible skins. A couple of the older skins one out there use custom db_countries files, which mess up the regular ones. The result is the game is told to look for file 'x' and can't find it, and you end up with a stealth helo.

An easy way to check to see if one of your skins is messing up is to look to see what it installs in MODMAN. When you are at the install screen and you select the skin, it should list the files it installs in the lower right. (normally it will just be a cdds file) if you have any that are also installing a db_countries file that prob you're culprit.

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