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Posted (edited)

Hello gents,

I am using a complete custom key assignation. That means I'm not using the default keypresses but custom keypresses for my cockpit switches across different simulators that allows me not to reprogram the pit each time I switch sim

Anyway it worked for years without a problem

I did not fly DCS since June and I updated two or three time without really flight testing each update during the summer.
Today testing the pit, none of my previous assignation work , the pit does not respond in DCS (it does with other sim) and I see a lot of red exclamation marks in the keyboard config I did not have before

I suspect my personal key assignation got changed somehow...

I remember that for the F-16 controls, we had F-16sim and F-16game before. Now we only have F-16. 
Maybe that's the reason?  and maybe that's been changed with one of the summer updates? 

Now Anyone could point me towards a possibility to revert my F-16Sim custom key assignation to the now unique F-16 key config? 
I suspect it's only a matter of LUA file renaming but I'm a little bit lost on the specificities to do that.
The goal is to obvious avoid redoing the whole assignation which took me years to setup.


Many thanks for any help


Edited by Red Dog

Have a Bandit Day

Red Dog





Not having access to your data I can't be sure what happened. But it sounds as if ED, in the course of an update, changed your keyboard bindings. I use only very few keyboard binds, but I have seen the same happen to game controller binds. ED should never change these files, but unfortunately it happens. I therefore keep backup copies of the binding files which are under "C:\Users\XXXX\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\". I also document my bindings in an Excel format. This makes it easier if I have to re-do my bindings.
The keyboard binds for the F-16 are in the file "Keyboard.diff.lua" under "C:\Users\XXXX\Saved Games\DCS\Config\Input\F-16C_50\keyboard".

I suppose you have no "good" backup of this file. In your place, I would want to keep the key codes in the simpit unchanged. I would delete the corrupted "Keyboard.diff.lua" and re-enter the keyboard bindings manually. After testing the set of bindings, I would make a backup copy of that file to a safe location .


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

Posted (edited)

Thanks LeCuvier for once again coming to the rescue

I do have backup and I have reapplied it, but I still have the same issue in DCS after having applied my backup
The date of my backup also still match the date of my keyboard.diff.lua in the saved folder, which I found weird. I would have assumed that an update changing that file would have changed the date as well.

Mine is dated 8th may 2024, when I did my last modification. And saved a backup.

They are indeed in the F-16C_50\keyboard folder.

I have rather the feeling that this file doesn't talk to the default file anymore ... ??

Edited by Red Dog

Have a Bandit Day

Red Dog





Are you sure you are looking at the "Date modified" and not the "Date created"?

I'm also wondering about the red "!" in the Options/Controls screen. They might indicate "double binds" (key codes bound to more than one command).
If you move the ".diff.lua" away or rename it, do the red "!" flags go away? In that scenario I suspect that the default bindings defined in the file "default.lua" under "K:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Input\F-16C\keyboard" would take over. You will find those insufficient as they exist only for a small part of the flight and combat commands.

In that state, you might just enter a few of your custom binds and verify that they work, before spending more time.

It's really difficult to guess what's going on without having the full picture.



Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5


yes it's modified date.

Maybe the issue is elsewhere

Agreed with the red exlamation marks. I concur I had that when there was some sort of conflict. I solved all of these before so I am positive that the key config I had in June had no red exclamation marks

I'll test wat you suggest and make a few screenshots.

But as always many thanks for your attempts at helping. I understand this is difficult and there's no obligation of results 🙂

Have a Bandit Day

Red Dog





here's a specific example

Trim nose down is supposed to be  SHF+CTL+F3

Here's what I have in the config


First I see more assignation than the single SHF CTL F3

I see a RCTL; having been inserted before my own custom declaration, it wasn't so before. The line ressembled the trim left and right which apparently don't see to support the issue

and when I click on that keybind to see where it is declared twice:


It's empty, usually I see where it is declared another time, here nope.

It's getting weirder


Have a Bandit Day

Red Dog





The red "!" flags in these two examples are caused by the invalid syntax of these lines. They have the characters like ";;LCtrl" immediately following each other without a "+" in between.
Now I wonder whether the invalid code is in the file "Keyboard.diff.lua" under Saved Games, or in the "default.lua" under "DRIVE:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Input\F-16C\keyboard".
Can you send me both via PM?


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

Posted (edited)

It seems that your "default.lua" is different from mine. Here is a screen capture of the 4 TRIM lines from my Options/Controls:


The lines mean the same, but the wording is quite different. You have not modified the "default.lua", have you?

Edited by LeCuvier


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

Posted (edited)

I do. 
after updating I always add a line to default key and joystick LUA; doing this for ages? But maybe I did something wrong in the last modifications. I do have backups too.

Joystick default modification for missing PNEU/ELEC
default (joystick) for adding PNEU switches to BU0836A (D:\DCSWorld_OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Input\F-16C\joystick) line 138-139-140
-- Self added January 2024
{    down = alt_commands.ELEC,                     up = alt_commands.ELEC,             value_down = -1.0, value_up = 0.0,     cockpit_device_id = devices.AAU34,             name = _('Altimeter Mode Switch ELEC/OFF'),                     category = {_('Instrument Panel')}},
{    down = alt_commands.PNEU,                     up = alt_commands.PNEU,             value_down = 1.0, value_up = 0.0,     cockpit_device_id = devices.AAU34,             name = _('Altimeter Mode Switch PNEU/OFF'),                     category = {_('Instrument Panel')}},

keyboard default modification forCorrecting FUEL QTY TEST
default (keyboard) for correcting bug on FUEL QTY TEST (D:\DCSWorld_OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\F-16C\Input\F-16C\keyboard) line 289-290
-- Self added feb2024
{down = fuel_commands.FuelQtySelSwTEST,    pressed = fuel_commands.FuelQtySelSwTEST, up = fuel_commands.FuelQtySelSwTEST, cockpit_device_id = devices.FUEL_INTERFACE, value_down =  0.1, value_pressed = -0.1,    value_up = 0.1,    name = _('FUEL QTY SEL Knob - TEST Button Special'), category = {_('Instrument Panel')}},


Edited by Red Dog

Have a Bandit Day

Red Dog





Glad to hear that you could solve your problem!


Windows 10 Pro 64Bit | i7-4790 CPU |16 GB RAM|SSD System Disk|SSD Gaming Disk| MSI GTX-1080 Gaming 8 GB| Acer XB270HU | TM Warthog HOTAS | VKB Gladiator Pro | MongoosT-50 | MFG Crosswind Pedals | TrackIR 5

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