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Mission 14 - COLT 2 (Polish F-16s) shoot me down every time

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As the title suggests, right after the dogfight segment begins with the L-39s and COLT 2 engages, they shoot down one of the L-39s then shoot me down right after.

Am I supposed to just get the hell out of there so I'm nowhere near them? I feel like they should still be able to differentiate us and not target me actively.

I figured the first time was a fluke (maybe I was aligned right behind the L-39 from the AIM-120's perspective, but twice has to be intentional.

Thank you!


Edited by Pogbom
  • Pogbom changed the title to Mission 14 - COLT 2 (Polish F-16s) shoot me down every time

It is not intentional and the AI is told to only engage  the L-39. Guess the AI is being at their best behaviour there 😄 in mission editor everything is set up as it should, so perhaps try to get out of there ASAP when they shoot. BTW there is no way to make the blue side attack any other blue assets in the mission editor...

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