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[v2.9.9.2474] Enroute "Distance to Point" value calculated very wrong

Go to solution Solved by Lord Vader,

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Posted (edited)

With multiply waypoints in route, farer waypoint is on the list from current position, more error value of 'distance to point' become:
WPTHZ in COORD list:


Routeplan: Kutaisi->W05…W26
(waypoints W01...W04 are not used in active route, and active rte is the only existed there)

W01 WP W01 W84 47 38T KM 5639 8075 142 FT N42°14.457 E042°02.846
W02 WP W02 WB4 47 37T GH 0282 3251 141 FT N42°43.099 E041°28.619
W03 WP W03 W84 47 37T GH 1892 4732 755 FT N42°50.827 E041°40.749
W04 WP W04 W84 47 37T FH 7332 4774 142 FT N42°51.756 E041°07.299
W05 WP W05 W84 47 38T LM 2616 8354 2062 FT N42°17.082 E042°53.493
W06 WP W06 W84 47 38T LM 3904 9504 3834 FT N42°23.450 E043°02.666
W07 WP W07 W84 47 38T LN 5402 0447 3531 FT N42°28.717 E043°13.433
W08 WP W88 W84 47 38T LN 5811 1366 2108 FT N42°33.733 E043°16.283
W09 WP W09 W84 47 38T LN 7265 1447 2830 FT N42°34.317 E043°26.883
W10 WP W10 W84 47 38T LN 7812 1175 3163 FT N42°32.900 E043°30.916
W11 WP W11 W84 47 38T LN 8023 0758 3986 FT N42°30.667 E043°32.516
W12 WP W12 W84 47 38T LN 8695 0661 4308 FT N42°30.200 E043°37.433
W13 WP W13 W84 47 38T LN 9013 0975 4517 FT N42°31.933 E043°39.716
W14 WP W14 W84 47 38T LN 9678 0518 5403 FT N42°29.517 E043°44.633
W15 WP W15 W84 47 38T MM 0512 9901 4770 FT N42°26.250 E043°50.783
W16 WP W16 W84 47 38T MN 0957 0104 5092 FT N42°27.383 E043°54.000
W17 WP W17 W84 47 38T MN 1196 0372 5473 FT N42°28.833 E043°55.716
W18 WP W18 W84 47 38T MN 1658 0952 8439 FT N42°32.000 E043°59.050
W19 WP W19 W84 47 38T MN 1633 1029 9188 FT N42°32.417 E043°58.850
W20 WP W20 W84 47 38T MN 1718 1211 9430 FT N42°33.417 E043°59.466
W21 WP W21 W84 47 38T MN 1856 1181 7828 FT N42°33.250 E044°00.466
W22 WP W22 W84 47 38T MN 1971 1262 7023 FT N42°33.700 E044°01.300
W23 WP W23 W84 47 38T MN 2118 1286 6221 FT N42°33.833 E044°02.383
W24 WP W24 W84 47 38T MN 2227 1232 5882 FT N42°33.550 E044°03.183
W25 WP W25 W84 47 38T MN 2383 1206 5229 FT N42°33.417 E044°04.316
W26 WP W26 W84 47 38T MN 2452 1136 8103 FT N42°33.050 E044°04.833


}70.8 km  
}21.87 km
}45.6 km
}158.9 km
}17.25 km
}17.7 km
}10.07 km
}14.55 km
}6.112 km
}4.679 km
}6.791 km
}4.48 km
}8.085 km
}10.38 km
}4.884 km
}3.569 km
}7.432 km
}0.8192 km
}2.034 km
}1.403 km
}1.413 km
}1.503 km
}1.214 km
}1.57 km
}0.9811 km


additional pics:
PP: N42 15.81  E042 45.31 to W26: N42 33.06  E044 04.83
Calculated in wolfram: 113.7 km (kilometers)(straight-line path)
113.42 on googlemaps


Edited by Pillowcat
  • Pillowcat changed the title to [v2.9.9.2474] Enroute "Distance to Point" value calculated very wrong
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Lord Vader said:

Are you attempting to set up waypoints outside the playable map area? It looks like it from your images but it could just be a section missing map coverage.

Can you supply a track of this event? 

Nope, all used coordinates listed under spoiler in the first post to check, maybe it is another bug, but all waypoints are pretty far from borders of the map.
Sorry, have no track, only video by which all coordinates was captured and listed here (It was very tedious process). It was on multiplayer server "Grim Reapers Battlegrounds Server UK" with mission name "Operation Clear Field v123_rev4m_ctld_iw", but i bet you can recreate it without being there.


Added: Problem is not only with particular ending points of route, error gradually progressing with distance from starting point as almost non visible to hundred of kilometers per one real on ending side.

Btw real route length is something below 130km, way less than thousand+ as on pics, cant remember exactly now, but you can calc it from given values (distances between points on the right column of table are calculated real ones, not from DCS AH64).

Edited by Pillowcat
more of clarification text added

@Lord VaderWaypoints with exactly same coordinates on same spot, being added to the route sequently shows distance to them being different.
in example 3 waypoints (W22,W23,W24) placed on the routeline in between of W01 and W02 in exactly same position ~0.5km from W01, added in the route between these endpoints:



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