ED Team BIGNEWY Posted Tuesday at 02:08 PM ED Team Posted Tuesday at 02:08 PM SYNC Mode Implemented for ASP-17V Sight The SYNC mode of the sight is designed to improve aiming accuracy against moving targets in the automatic sight operation mode. In SYNC mode, an additional correction is applied to the aiming calculations made in NON-SYNC mode by considering the angular velocity of the target relative to the helicopter. null Additional Information The angular correction for target movement is calculated in the АЦВУ (Analog-Digital Computing Device). The data for this calculation is obtained from angular velocity sensors (measuring all three axes of the helicopter), which are specifically designed for the sight system and are located in the helicopter’s tail boom. SYNC mode can be used with all weapon systems for which the AUTO sight mode is permitted. Aiming Characteristics in SYNC Mode Align the aiming moving mark with the target and start tracking it. If the helicopter develops an angular velocity (either vertically or horizontally) during tracking, the mark will start to "lag behind" the target (this will become noticeable after 2-3 seconds). To compensate for this "lag," the pilot must manoeuvre the helicopter within 1-2 seconds to shift the weapon axis, re-align the mark with the target, and fire. Example If the target is moving to the right relative to the helicopter, the pilot initiates tracking by aligning the mark with the target and begins a smooth turn with a right bank. As the helicopter gains angular velocity to the right, the mark will start to visibly lag behind the target (moving left). To account for this angular velocity, the pilot must make a more aggressive turn toward the target so that the mark is re-aligned with it. Since the filtering system in the АЦВУ has slightly greater inertia compared to NON-SYNC mode, the increased angular velocity does not cause a sharp aiming moving mark displacement, allowing the pilot enough time to complete the shot. Key Considerations The difference between SYNC and NON-SYNC modes is that in SYNC mode, the Aiming Mark stabilization time on the target increases from 1-2 seconds (NON-SYNC) to 2-3 seconds (SYNC) due to different filtering parameters in the aiming system. We must add that overall usage of this mode was not really popular among operators, nevertheless we modelled it for the sake of accuracy. 1 3 Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal
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