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Logitech G940 Hotas issues, who problems are they?


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Is there anyone at ED even testing the Logitech G940, Saitec, CH, or other Hotas systems to determine whether the reported problems are bugs that need addressing by either company. Maybe we can start a thread to discuss ways to work around some of the issues we are seeing so we can get our different Hotas systems working with DCS BS. I have search this forum and seen similar problems with different Hotas systems.


I agree that the Logitech G940 defininitly has its share of issues, but it does not look like Logitech is going to release any patch soon to fix there problems. Because some of these problems exist on different Hotas systems it might be prudent for ED to look into some of these issues before releasing the next module or update so that these isssues don't get passed on to other products. I have to say that the G940 works very well with IL2 but does not work very well with DCS.


Some of the issues I am seeing are listed below:

1. Shkvak uncage using the POV goes into Auto scan mode on first click.

2. Shkval goes off completly in one direction without being able to bring it back.

3. Fire button cannot be properly programmed in the Logitech's profiler due to the delay required in holding down the button. It is either getting confused at times with the release key or the program delay is not properly being reconized by DCS.

4. Single press of the fire button at time fires all rockets from the gun pod.

5. Joystick POV keys cannot be mapped in DCS because they are not reconized key strokes.

6. To much center freedom for the joystick to move around. Force Feedback brings joystick back to new center when re-trimmed, but the center has to much play allowing the stick to flop over in the center around 20%. (also called slop). This makes it very difficult to trim or Auto hover.


There are a lot more if you search the forum. I am not sure where to start, I just wanted to know if either company is working together to try to fix them.





Edited by Gonzo01
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I use a G940 and have only the last problem you've mentioned. Though I use the in game control editor to assign controls.


My only other complaint is that on the G940, when the trim button is pressed and held, tension is not removed from the stick as it should be.

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After getting a replacement throttle, I've had no problems with my g940. I don't use the mini-stick as it was intended. Instead I assign zones to it and then commands to those zones. The stick does have a little center slop but that is a non-issue for me. Otherwise the stick and the trim work perfectly through the entire range. Sounds like the new Logitech profiler is coming but only after a very long wait.

Smokin' Hole


My DCS wish list: Su25, Su30, Mi24, AH1, F/A-18C, Afghanistan ...and frankly, the flight sim world should stop at 1995.

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