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Clash of the CPUs... i5 660 vs. Phenom 2 945

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Bugger the PC hardware industry for making things difficult!

I'm contemplating an upgrade, and most things appear to be decided (as for the rest, I'm prepared to live with the consequences of my gutty, shoot-from-the-hip, wanton picks) - EXCEPT the CPU. I thought I was pretty much set on the Phenom II X4 945 (I likez teh smaller wattage - getting a HD5750 or 5770 to go with it, telling Nvidia to go hang), only now I discovered a quite affordable S1156-motherboard, and a fair amount of praise for Intel's i5 660 (661 seems to be available to me as well, but since the only difference is the higher-clocked graphics-component, 660 is good enough).

The bother is that cost-consideration is nearly moot here - I can get this motherboard (GA-P55-US3L) and an i5 660 for about the price of the Phenom 945 and a M4A89GTD PRO/USB3. (I'd probably settle for a slightly cheaper AM3 MB, though, but the difference in price is... small enough to ignore, on the whole.)


Hm, I had a 790-chipset in mind instead of the 890, but the older hardware is more expensive?? *Shrug* This is one messed up business...

*Buggers off to read up on chipsets*


Well, what say you? 945 or i5-660? I expect DCS and/or X-Plane to be the heaviest test for these things - no video editing or the like. (Well, I confess I run a virus-scan once in a blue moon, and Linux... is present to do funny things with.) Mind the wattage, now.

Edited by Silent Warrior
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I would have to say the 945 because its a quad core. But still its entirely up to you. My Comp is in my sig and I can run everything on high settings with some stuff on medium. Plus going quad is MUCH more future proof. IMHO. Good luck!:thumbup:

My Specs:

Win 10 Pro 64bit/ i7 6770K 4.5Ghz/32GB DDR4/ GTX 1070 SC/Samsung SSD

Warthog Stick/TWCS Throttle/TrackIR 5


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I love my AMD PII 940BE I run BS at 3.7Gh stable no probs. The new games like BFBC2 I hae to down clock to 3.5gh for heat reasons.

Home built PC Win 10 Pro 64bit, MB ASUS Z170 WS, 6700K, EVGA 1080Ti Hybrid, 32GB DDR4 3200, Thermaltake 120x360 RAD, Custom built A-10C sim pit, TM WARTHOG HOTAS, Cougar MFD's, 3D printed UFC and Saitek rudders. HTC VIVE VR.



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