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Blurred Text in game menu = AA in CCC on: Question


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Hi. I followed a thread on this sub-forum about blurred text in the game menu and how it was because the game was fighting with the CCC to set the AA. Turn the AA off in the CCC and presto, the blurred text goes away in the main menu - which is exactly what happened when I did this.


HOWEVER, the cost is a much reduced framerate in the actual game. It seems as if my system, running two 5970s in crossfire, needs the CCC settings to actually get the framerate up in the actual game. If I don't use the CC settings, and just leave it to the game settings, it doesn't seem to want the to use all the power of the crossfire setup. Can anyone confirm my hypothesis? Is there any way of having my cake and eating it too?




apoll :noexpression:

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