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Posted (edited)

Do you mean the Black Shark Virtual Panel? as per http://3dvrm.com/bsvp/ ?


There is a feature "Network connection to simulator (BSVP can work from same PC with sim, or from other PC in the network)"


This looks like the instructions are to use it through a network


Please also check the BSVP Thread and the Network Thread



Download BSVP v.1.1


Extract archive with BSVP to place where you want to launch it

Put scripts (Export.lua, config.lua) to "...Ka-50\Config\Export" folder, dont forget to backup your original scripts first!

If you want to launch BSVP from remote PC then please, in file "Export.lua" change line


[host = host or "localhost"]


to something like

[host = host or ""]

where specify your remote PC IP adress, as always take care of your firewalls.



Launch BSVP

Launch DCS Black Shark (start some single misson, in multiplayer - server must turn on export capabilities)

"Disconnected" message will change to "DCS Connected", if not re-check your firewall setings, and IP's in Export.lua

If everything is fine - BSVP working as it should be and you can press [shift + M] to turn off textual overlay


Thank you for asking this question

I had to Google "BSVP" but this is a good thing

Edited by ZoomBoy27


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Hello Zoomboy. Yes, Black Shark Virtual Pannel.I had not seen net work thread, thanks. I think my problem is with networking. I am trying to use a cross cable, so I was thinking, the problem may be the O.S. [w7 with xp pro]. I have been addvised to use an Ethernet Switch. B.S.V.P. runs on laptop, but no connection is made. Acemark

Home built X-58FTW,i7 950, 3 x GTX570oc,

screens; 3 x 22", 19", 17", 9" :D

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