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Monitor question .....

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Hi there


I would like to order a monitor as a first step for building a tripple monitor configuration. Payable 27 inch monitors, for me, are:


Hanspree HZ281HPB , it is 27,5 inches, 2 ms and its 16:10 so the screen is a little larger than a 16:9 screen.


Second choice is ASUS VE276Q , it is 27 inches, 2 ms, 16:09.


Both are around 230 Euro and both have bright frames :noexpression:.


Which one to choose ?

They will be fired by a eyefinity 6 6870 with 2 GB.



Any help is welcome ...

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Thank you ...


Iiyama ProLite X2775HDS-B1


... is also in the race, maybe the better choice but this screen has 8 ms seconds reaction time .. does this matter ?!


I am with you that the panel might be better.

Bad thing on all 3 modells: the frames are very big, maybe I should remove them after warranty :music_whistling:

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Do not worry about miliseconds of response-time, they are just marketing crap. No standardized method of measuring exists, and manufacturers can write whatever they want (usually the lowest value, be it black-to-white or gray-to-gray). This value is never constant over the whole colour spectrum, but it is better to have ~8ms middle value and small deviation from it in the whole spectrum, than having 2ms in some special case and 20ms in others. I have Dell 2312, IPS with 8ms, and never seen any ghosting...


What imho counts more is color quality, observing angles and contrast. All of those parameters are generally much better with IPS/PVA/MVA-based LCD.


One more thing which might interest you is power consumption:

Hanns.G HZ281HPB: 95W

Asus VE276Q: 70W

iiyama X2775HDS-B1: 42W (thanks to LED-backlight)

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Thank you Rhinox


You give me a hard time :)

I checked the X2775HDS-B1 and it seems to be a good choice, only 2 bad things I found in the (rare) tests on the internet:


Reactiontime, they write it is only suitable for 2D and officestuff. But you told me about the measuring.


Black/White in the corners, in the tests they wrote that there is a colordifference in the corners. Will this look bad whils using 3 monitors ?


I will order this week the first monitor, maybe 2 and next month numer 3.

Will there be an problem with the angel of view for the outer monitors ?


Do you have an other favorit for IPS/PVA/MVA-based LCD ?

At least I am away from the first 2 monitors.


Thank you for your help and advice ... :thumbup:

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Thanks, that is nearly what also the german tests report:


This is the second time we've seen an Iiyama MVA-panel monitor that's potential uses are restricted by its poor responsiveness. As a result, the X2775HDS is only suitable for photo editing and general office computing.


Not easy .. the panel is great. But I wont turn my head with TrackIR and have shadows from the move over 3 screens ....


Maybe just order it from Amazon, test it, hold it or send it back ... not easyyyy. :noexpression:

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Okay, here we go.

Friday the X2775HDS arrived. Its very nice and I can not see any problems so far. The setting was very bright, so I played a little around with the settings and now it looks pretty nice with A-10.

Will buy 2 more from this within the next month.


Thanks for the help.




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