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Death Valley - Changing SP to MP

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I really like this mission, and tried to convert it to MP in the mission editor but couldn't get it to work.


Can anyone give me tips how, or do it for me:music_whistling:


I really just want a 2 player version to play with a buddy. It's a nice shortish, mission.

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Open it in the ME and remove wingman from the flight and set it to client rather than player. With the flight selected Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+v to copy+paste the flight. With the takeoff waypoints on the copied flight switch it to turning point then back. The flight will copy and paste so the first waypoint is where your mouse is.

Always remember. I don't have a clue what I'm doing

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At work ATM so cannot check, but as I remember it there's a numerical field in the helo group window where the amount of units in a flight is defined. Just change that and you're sorted :)

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