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It seems I am getting shot down very easily in Lockon with the F15.


Here are my tactics. Critics were necessary.


I try and engage BVR at all times when possible with the Aim120. I have the radar at 160 to 80 nm searching as much space as possible RWS mode with my jammers on.. When I have a contact, I put it to my 2 o’clock or my 11 o’clock and keep them there as much as possible. I will try and climb to about 30,000 ft.


I switch to TWS mode and as the target closes in to about 60 nm, I bug each one as necessary. With my wingman, I tell him to attack one or my target depending on the aircraft identified. I turn off my jammers at about 30 nm.


Throughout the whole time I am also looking at my EWS to make sure I see where they are and keeping the bandits at 2 o’clock or my 11 o’clock


Once within the 20 nm mile I will try and go offensive and get a shot or defensive if he is aggressive on me and drop flare and chaff. I try and maneuver for a shot, but usually there is another aircraft that gets me or his wingman gets me..


My success rate is about 20 percent.


What is the best way to defeat these buggers


Fly with labels on if your not already it will help your situational awareness and makes it easier to spot inbound missiles.. It also helps you determine when or if you need to pull a last second high g maneuver to evade an in bound missile... Also fly alot like ALOT of DACT 1 vs1 1 vs 2 and 2 vs 2 bvr engements... Start with mig 23's, then mig 31's and once you can easily defeat them move on to those sneaky su 27's and mig 29's

"When the going gets weird, the weird trun pro."


Fly with labels on if your not already it will help your situational awareness and makes it easier to spot inbound missiles.. It also helps you determine when or if you need to pull a last second high g maneuver to evade an in bound missile... Also fly alot like ALOT of DACT 1 vs1 1 vs 2 and 2 vs 2 bvr engements... Start with mig 23's, then mig 31's and once you can easily defeat them move on to those sneaky su 27's and mig 29's


Problem with labels is it gets boring easily and most servers don't use them online.


A tip is to get high and fast and go aggressive. Get the first launch. If you need to launch two do it. If he gets the first shot get your own one off. It might not get you a kill but if he goes defensive he's less likely to be chasing you. Also use the AMRAAM's own radar. At pitbull you can run to gain standoff range again if you're close but be warned this may put him in a good position to go offensive if your shot misses. Use your wingman, use go Pincer command to make it harder for the enemy.

Always remember. I don't have a clue what I'm doing


This is true. But it does greatly help when learning and helps you get the timing and distances for when you do turn labels off


This helped soo much when i was learning..

"When the going gets weird, the weird trun pro."


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