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Hi. I have been looking around about useing freetrack with FC2. I have installed it but it daesn't work. Somewhere in the forum I read that that problem is that freetrack is 32 bit sotware, and I have win 7 64 bits.

I found a wrapper made for A10 sim, but definitly I don't know it it can be used for FC2.


has anybody been able to use freetrack under win 7 64 bits? If yes please explain how. Useinf trackirfixer doesn't worked either


I use in FC2, DCS, Falcon... Win 7 x64 without problems :)

As I am in hurry can't write details - it's already been explained on forum, try to find.

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D



great! It works now! So, latest version of trackirfixer doesn't work, if somebody is haveing the same issue, you have to use the version that cracks newinput.dll file

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