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Greywolf's Seperatist Aggression Day One mission Crashing in 1.2.1


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I am at work so i do not have any log files or tracks, but i was wondering if anyone has tried running Greywolf's seperatist aggression day one mission and does it crash sometime during the play. I ran it for about an hour last night and then left it running over night and when i got up Dcs had crashed.


This has happened several times so something is a miss. I am wondering if anyine else has tried running this mission and do they experence the crash or is it something to do with my installs.


The older version that he had, before he mad it a campaign crashes exactly fifteen minutes into the mission, consistantly.


the current one that i have been using now does not crash until later in the mission.


Still trying to pin it down and will review logs this weekend, when i have some more time. If anyone is running these mission on there server and not have an issue or if there is a known issue that i have not seen yet please let me know.


Greywolf - by the way awesome mission, as you now.


76th Capt. Falcon

Edited by MTrenda
issue has been fixed with patch

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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Are you sure that the crash isn't happening when the server tries to reload the mission or something? I don't know if you have Slmod or Servman set up on this server to do mission reloads; you didn't specify. Anyway, this mission is one of the "fairly complex" missions I was talking about in the Slmod thread. If you try to load this mission after your server has already run a mission, it will crash the server.


The issue has been reported to the ED devs, I think it might have to do with the number of units in a mission. Who knows, maybe we will see the fix pushed our way in an auto-update, whenever the problem is fixed.

Intelligent discourse can only begin with the honest admission of your own fallibility.

Member of the Virtual Tactical Air Group: http://vtacticalairgroup.com/

Lua scripts and mods:

MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist): http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98616

Slmod version 7.0 for DCS: World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=80979

Now includes remote server administration tools for kicking, banning, loading missions, etc.

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thanks for getting back to me, yes i am runnig the SLMOD 043 with the ADMIN funtions but i am not switching missions within server. I am shutting down Multiplayer and starting backup from a fresh start.


I will take a closer look at it this weekend when i have time and see if i can't get some logs put togehter.


this mission does have alot aof units but they are not spawned until the mission is called which really helps on the resources required to run it. also the connect people at the time is under six so not really looking in that direction.


so more info to come..


Speed - thanks for the SLMOD it really allows the multiplayer client interact with game at their own pace. Great work....




76th Capt. Falcon

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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thanks for getting back to me, yes i am runnig the SLMOD 043 with the ADMIN funtions but i am not switching missions within server. I am shutting down Multiplayer and starting backup from a fresh start.


I will take a closer look at it this weekend when i have time and see if i can't get some logs put togehter.


this mission does have alot aof units but they are not spawned until the mission is called which really helps on the resources required to run it. also the connect people at the time is under six so not really looking in that direction.


so more info to come..


Speed - thanks for the SLMOD it really allows the multiplayer client interact with game at their own pace. Great work....




76th Capt. Falcon


Ok, is there any chance someone could have used a -admin command to attempt a mission restart? The DCS crash occurs when the server is already running a mission, and you try to load a new mission- either manually or with mods, it doesn't matter- and that new mission is sufficiently complicated.


Anyway, yea, see if you can collect more info on the crash. I cannot test this mission myself, unfortunately, I do not currently have access to DCS, just my laptop.

Intelligent discourse can only begin with the honest admission of your own fallibility.

Member of the Virtual Tactical Air Group: http://vtacticalairgroup.com/

Lua scripts and mods:

MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist): http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98616

Slmod version 7.0 for DCS: World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=80979

Now includes remote server administration tools for kicking, banning, loading missions, etc.

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MTrenda, try out these updated WIP mission files, to see if the crash still happens. No promises yet though :p




Voice of Jester AI

Death From Above =DFA= Squadron Discord - https://discord.gg/deathfromabove



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Here are some Logs from last night


These are the logs from the first mission we flew it appears we were up for 2 hours and we had seven people in, two more were joining at the time of the crash.




76th Capt. Falcon





MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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These are the log files of the second mission we flew


looks like another two and half hours into the mission, a crash occurred.


we had i think about seven guys in at this time. no one i could tell was joining at the time.




76th Capt. Falcon







MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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Tried the Aggression mission Day one and the results...........


I tried the mission in multiplayer and it ran for 15 mins and then crashed. this time is consistant (15mins). this is the same behavior i got in the Version of your mission that i had been running since you came out with this ( prior to your campaign release.


When 1.2.1 came out and the crash started I downloaded your campaign version of Seperatist Aggression and added the Tasking sequence to the mission. this caused two things one i renamed several unit's and groups to make them easier to list in SLMOD and two i opened several units in doing this.


This may have changed the units in someway, not sure.


Here are the logs for the Mission you gave me and the mission that i modified to add the Tasking Sequence of Speed SLMOD.


i have delayed the start of the F-15 and the Jtac to 20 day in seperate tests just to rule out these as an issue, this did not seem to have an effect. This was changed back, i did change the f-15 to an escort for texaco because they were going straight for russia and getting charbroiled by sams( this has not change the behavior as far as i can tell.


Hope this information helps...............




76th Capt. Falcon






Separatists Aggression 1 Breakout Day 3a.miz

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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No worries, these misions are like programs "they have minds of their own at times"


i am sure we will figure it out.


Last night I removed the russian ships on a recommendation that triggers on ships may be having an issue. I then turned the Server on last night at about 11:30 PM and checked it at 6:15 am. At 6:15 DCS was not responding when I clicked on the icon in the taskbar. Loking at the log three users join right at 6:00 to 6:15 right as i checked the server. Not sure if the server was running before 6:15 or just hung and the logs got written when I click on the icon. My assumption was that the users joined at 6:00 and when I went to bring up dcs it locked up.


Not a good test so I restarted the mission this morning to run it while I am at work and see how things go. Will let you know.


Thanks for taking the time to look at it.

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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i got this crash file after wiping out my profile files for dcs running a repair. all the previous times there has not been a crash file so not sure it is related beut here it is:


# -------------- 20121015-005217 --------------

# C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at F08F3454 00:00000000

00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

F08F3454 002CEB00 0000:00000000 ??1wMessageDatalink@@UEAA@XZ()+114

F0903BD9 002CEC10 0000:00000000 ?startMessageTransmission@wNetVoiceCommunicator@@QEAAXIW4wMsg@@AEBVLuaTableElement@@N@Z()+289

401AB60D 002CEC50 0000:00000000

401F7EE2 002CED70 0000:00000000

F622A2AD 002CEDB0 0000:00000000 ??1Reader@Mail@@UEAA@XZ()+23D

E90894B4 002CEE20 0000:00000000

E9089561 002CEE70 0000:00000000

E908BE38 002CF010 0000:00000000

E9097AB7 002CF070 0000:00000000

E90AC953 002CF0A0 0000:00000000

E90C2C83 002CF0D0 0000:00000000

4028C1A5 002CF130 0000:00000000

402A32B4 002CF160 0000:00000000

402A31A9 002CF1C0 0000:00000000

40328098 002CF230 0000:00000000

403294D8 002CF720 0000:00000000

4032BEBF 002CF7D0 0000:00000000

7688652D 002CF800 0001:0001552D C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk()+D

76E2C521 002CF850 0001:0002B521 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart()+21

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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For the sake of experimentation. Can you let the mission idle in single player to see if the same crash occurs?

The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world.

Current Projects:  Grayflag ServerScripting Wiki

Useful Links: Mission Scripting Tools MIST-(GitHub) MIST-(Thread)

 SLMOD, Wiki wishlist, Mission Editing Wiki!, Mission Building Forum

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Sorry I did not have time to properly thank you for taking a look at this issue but I only had time to respond quickly to your reply. So, officially thanks for looking at this.


I did want to post an error that I am seeing in the window event viewer under application, not sure that the DLL is the cultprit or just one that loaded at the time. Hopefully it will help to point in the right direction.


Faulting application name: DCS.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5073db3f

Faulting module name: WorldGeneral.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x5070aefa

Exception code: 0xc0000409


thanks again to Greywo1f, speed, and grimes for taking time out to look at this and provide suggestions.




76th Capt. Falcon

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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wondering if anyone has had a chance to try the mission out on their system to see if they can play it all the way through or do they get a crash also.





MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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Multiple missions crash during online game play




Last night I downloaded a mission from one of the community servers to see if the missions that i had were an issue or my system.


i have run the following missions and had crashs at about 45 mins to 60 mins into the mission.


seperatist aggression day one

seperatist aggression day two

Redsnake first day

and the one last night ( i think it was border assualt)


all these crashed at different stages but ruoghly at close times in length.



I have tried several items to resolve the issue:


reviewed the units in the mission and triggers

open and saved the missions in the new version

removed jtac and f15's and ships at different times

turned off virus software


The only mission that seems to run all the way through is the Pilot Search mission V2. Not sure if this is because of time to complete the mission or reduced number of units.


i have also tried to run the missions in single player and even without playing just leaving the game run, it crashes after a long while (60 - 90 mins).


I have also tried to remove the saved games area for dcs world and run a repair.


last night, to make sure a failure in the install was not an issue i removed the saved games area, uninstalled dcs, removed the dcs world directory under program files, then reinstalled the dcs game, p-51,a-10c, and ca. Ran the updates for the game. Reconfigured the joystick, throttle and rudder peddles and custom key bindings by hand. I left off all modifications to rule out any non standard changes


I then started the seperatist aggression mission again and let in run in multi player over night at about 12:30 am. in morning at about 6:30 i check the server and again a crash occurred. the logs are the same for this crash is the same as I have posted previously. the most interesting one is the one from the windows application events referencing mapgeneral.dll.


I must conclude at this time that there is something wrong with my paticular system and not the missions as not all people apopear to be having this issue. and some of these missions have been played on other server. i also have not hear from anyone stating they are having issue with any of these missions.


my system specs are:


msi p86 g65d motherboard

i7 3.3 ghz quad duo proc

16 gb ram Patriot

nvidia 480 gtx video card


windows 7 64 bit

Fully poatched.

Security essentials for virus protection

firewall router wired to system

isp with 20 to 30 mb download

1.5 mb upload


this server has been running dcs just fine for the last year and half, until the last upgrade. (i can not pin it on the last upgrade because i also upgraded the Video drivers for NVidia)


At this point i am not sure were to go as i am not sure what the logs are telling me. Am i turning my wheels because there is something in the code that i can not do anything about, there is a trigger or unit in the mission, keep in mind these are missions from the beta day except borderassault or some updated video driver or windows is causing the issue.


it would be helpful if someone who new what the logs meant could let me know, so that i can narrow the research down to one thing or another.


it has been kind of fustrating trying to fly with a group of guys knowing the mission is going to crash half way through it.


Well, lets hope that something can be found to resolve this stange behavior.


Really appreciate those the that have helped so far.




capt. Falcon (with a broken wing)

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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Surprised to see no responses from the logs........or anyone try the missions to see if they get the same results.


these are all free downloadable missions.....




Capt. Falcon

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fixed w/ 1.2.2 patch Greywolf's Seperatist Aggression Day One mission Crashing in 1.2


Wanted to followup. Installing the latest patch seems to have fixed the missions that where constantly crashing, the missions seem to run until the end. Thanks ED for fixing it, although I wish i had known what the issue was and did not spend two months uninstalling, removing mods, going through every unit, trying to determine if it was some thing in the missions or my configuration. A simple hey your error seem like something we are working on would have be sufficient for me to relax and put my focus on other things.


Thanks, Greywolf, Speed and Grimes for responding in the inital thread.


Well i am glad it is fixed and glad for all the new things coming now we can try to get the sqaud back up and runnig. hopefully there are still guys who want to fly and have not moved on.





76th Capt Falcon

MSI Creator X299 - INTEL i9 - 10900X 3.7 GHZ - 32 GB Corsair Dominator DDR4 - EVGA GTX 1080 FTW AC2

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