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Open Squadron  ·  16 members

100 KIAP


About this Squadron

Founded 19-Dec-2018, 100KIAP is the first operational DCS Su-33 module exclusive multiplayer organization with prior decade long history in DCS Su-27 regiment ; 100KIAP: 100th Shipborne Fighter Aviation Regiment ; 100КИАП: 100-й Корабельный Истребительный Авиационный Полк ; Commanding Officer: [100☭] Breakshot ; Admin: [100☭] Shamansky ; Homepage: https://100kiap.org ; Discord: https://discord.gg/R8Rhngr ; Recruitment: OPEN for Semi-Pro Flanker pilots only. Visit our Discord to discuss.
  1. What's new in this squadron
  2. Discord server: https://discord.gg/ajwqn2U
  3. 100KIAP official YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmCFlhHhVtqSTR65ZgJUJdA
  4. New XO appointed! LCOL Falcon!
  5. GO HERE: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=242393
  6. https://100kiap.org/51pvo-100kiap-regiment-command-announcement/
  7. Website is ONLINE: https://100kiap.org
  8. Preview of 100 KIAP Regiment:
  9. Updated
  10. Homepage: http://www.100kiap.org (OFFLINE) ; Flight server: server.100kiap.org (OFFLINE); TeamSpeak: 100kiap.teamspeak3.com (ONLINE) ; Discord: https://discord.gg/R8Rhngr (ONLINE) Recruitment: OPEN for Semi-Pro Flanker pilots only. Visit our Discord to discuss.
  11. Imported Group Gallery - 100 KIAP

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