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    Kerrville, Tx
  1. Same here. Kind of completely breaks this module. Hopefully a workaround or fix soon.
  2. Alright, I'm going to go ahead and vent a bit too. I just do not understand what ED is up to as of late. DCS World is a great idea... There is absolutely no point in having 6 different installs for 6 different aircraft. But FPS issues are getting worse and worse. It's getting to the point that 5000 dollar gaming rigs are being brought to a standstill by buggy effects and poor coding. Oddly, FPS issues should be getting BETTER with time... Not significantly worse. I feel as if ED should concentrate on actually optimizing DCS instead of releasing buggy new modules. A new terrain engine is going to be nice... Multi-core support is a MUST. It is no longer the mid-90's... Nearly every game and application uses multi-cores. I almost wish ED would scrap the engine all together and just start anew before we get new modules and such. Sorry, I just grow frustrated when my machine can run EVERY other gaming application that has come out in the past year on ultra... Yet I struggle to maintain 30 FPS in crowded battlefields. I understand that it's a simulation and a lot is going on... But when I look at my task manager and I see one core screaming at 100%, my graphics card cool, and my other cores are lingering around 10 - 15% I become very frustrated. ED demands 40 to 50 dollars a module (Unless they are on special), so I almost feel as if I should demand a 40 - 50 dollar game in terms of optimization. ED, God bless you for doing what you do. You are the last developer to stand and make realistic simulations of modern aircraft. I don't want to see you go anywhere... And I want to see you be successful. But part of your future success is going to require your simulations to be accessible to casual players who buy the game. A first time buyer who thinks the A-10 is cool, puts their time in to read a bit and do the tutorials... Then finally starts the first mission in Georgian Hammer only to see their FPS hit 10-20 will grow frustrated and not buy another module from you guys. I care about your success and future... Sometimes I feel like you guys walk down the wrong path to try to reach that success though. /rant
  3. Great mission! Enjoyed it!
  4. I do not want to report this as a bug quite yet... But the campaign will not progress beyond this mission even though I've beaten it. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
  5. Oh I agree that ED should not shift their focus. But this is still a nice addition. I would not mind seeing other WW2 aircraft in between projects and such.
  6. So I kind of resented the fact that ED was going to make a WWII fighter with no back-drop. It made absolutely no sense to me. Now I respect ED and will give them my money no matter what until I become completely dissatisfied with their products... So I decided to say "What the hell..." and downloaded the beta. ED is the last line of defense of a dying genre of game/simulation that just happens to be my favorite. So no matter what, I will try to support the cause. This beta is AMAZING. Let me say first that the A-10 beta made me want to pull my hair out for the whole time it existed... And even the first 3 months of it's final release I was not satisfied... But P-51 has me happy as can be right off the bat. I do not think I have ever had this much fun playing a sim... (And no, it's not just due to me never playing prop sims etc... I have had my runs with IL-2 and ROF, etc.) I have had more fun running the challenges than I ever have had with any other sim. This beta is almost a RC. Feels very polished and complete even though it's v1. Wow ED, way to knock it out of the park. I really hope that you continue to work on this era of warplane... Because this is just amazing. I even attached a track so everyone can witness how awesome this is. Convoy Run.trk
  7. Hello friends! It has been a long time and I have dearly missed you. But you know once an updated Black Shark was around I came RIGHT back. I've been searching and searching and I can't find too much on Black Shark 2 tweaks and such quite yet. (Probably due to the fact that the upgrade hasn't been around for too long. So before I begin let me lay out my system specs. AMD Phenom X6@3.3ghz ATI Sapphire 6970 running latest drivers (11.10 I think), 8gigs of A-DATA@1600mhz, 500 gig 7,200rpm HD blah blah blah (Edit: forgot to include my ingame settings: Textures: High, Scenes: Medium, Vis range: Medium, Shadows: Medium, Cockpit Disp: 512, MSAA: 8X, HDR: Normal, Cockpit Shadows: On, TSSAA: On... WTF is TSSAA anyways???) My framerate is not HORRIBLE but it can dip down to the 30's and even mid 20's (GASP!) in crowded areas with the Shkval on. And with HDR on I tend to get occasional artifacts and white boxes etc. (I know this is a known issue, and no my graphics card is not failing nor is it overheating) I know I am not running a TOP of the line rig but it's pretty damned good. There's not another game out there that really paces my machine but the DCS series. (I know that my processor, even though it has 6 cores, is probably my weak link as far as DCS goes) But it seems to me that NVIDIA users are getting a much better deal out of the DCS series. They seem to have fewer artifacts and glitches, and higher frame rates. I'm not really that upset, I was just hoping some of my fellow ATI users could give me some tips and tricks on how to maximize my frame rate. So first, what settings in CCC should I be using to max frames? Disable Catylyst AI, etc? Should I download ATI tray tools? If I do what within it could help? Do the old tweaks to Producer.cfg etc etc still apply in BS2? (By the way, I lost that tweak guide) etc. Thanks for any tips and tricks in advance. And by the way, I've been a forum junkie for years and years on nearly all of my favorite games. You guys were always the most intelligent and respectful community I have ever encountered.
  8. Well, the torrent is going to take a while... Doesn't matter though, I am one EXCITED Goat. Just going to play ArmA for a bit while downloading to keep me from being ansy.
  9. Spot on. I don't even care to speculate until I have a full release of my Hog.
  10. I know I need to take a break from DCS:A-10C because I check this forum about a dozen times a day to see if friggin' Beta 5 is out. It's getting really quite sad for this Goat.
  11. I definitely play online any flight sim that allows it. (that's as soon as I'm proficient enough to not feel like an idiot)
  12. I agree with OP. I have a quad AMD and this game makes almost no use of any core but 1. It almost strikes me as silly for this simulation to call for the finest hardware when it only uses a fourth of what my machine is capable. My graphics card and RAM barely warms up for this simulation. It's not the hardware that needs an upgrade, it's the software that is going to need to play catch up. NO... This is not me being snarky. I love DCS and built my WHOLE machine just to be able to play Black Shark/A-10... But my comments are true. We eventually are going to need software that uses the full potential of hardware that some of us bought to play this sim. ED knows this, we know this. But this Goat is just happy to have an excellent sim to play with likeminded fellows. BTW My specs: AMD Quad Phenom II Black O/C'ed to 3.8 8 Gigs of DDR 3 1600 ATI 5830 1Gig (O/C'ed) 500gb drive @ 7,200rpm etc. etc. etc. I have a good machine. Yet I run this sim and Black Shark and can find my FPS chugging down at times... Yet I log what is going on with my CPU/Mem/GFX card and they aren't even put through their paces at the slightest. I am in love with ED... But I PRAY they are working on fixing the infrastructure of their code to make more use of the ridiculously powerful machines we've bought to run their top notch simulations. (And yes, I think it is awesome that they made DCS A-10 64bit, so I am well aware they are making progress)
  13. Can somebody tell me why the game keeps asking me for my password every five minutes even when I am in game on multiplayer? This keeps freaking me out and I have no fix for it. I do have save password clicked and all that good stuff.
  14. Haw! Slug, I'm loooking forward to some A10 with you man.
  15. LOL. that's the problem with being a PC simmer. There is always something we need/want next. My wishlist: Thrustmaster Warthog/Current: X-52 ATI 59xx or 6xxx/Current ATI 5830 AMD six core black edition/Current: Quad black edition at 3.4 Solid state hard drive/Current: 7200rpm 500gig. etc, etc, etc. The list will never end.
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