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  1. Oh, didn't noticed. Thank you! Now I am even more happy about the new stuff.
  2. My concern is the behavior right after landing. As far as I know, deck crew would bring you outside the landing zone as fast as possible before they will order you to stop. With the way the crew acted in the video I'm not sure if a CASE I pattern with correct timings will be possible for more than a single jet.
  3. So can we simply say that cyclic forward does not set the desired speed, but rather the desired acceleration? And when the desired speed is reached, can I set the cyclic to neutral again?
  4. Sorry for the off-topic, but that's one reason more why I wish so hard that you guys would do a "South-West USA Map", with integrating the NTTR like you did with Normandy 2.0. Cause for me, you are the top map-makers for DCS at the moment.
  5. No, cause both aren't related to each other in any other way than being both in DCS. Not doing this won't bring you dynamic campaign a single second faster.
  6. Once there was a little Helo called "Kiowa". Announced a long, long time ago. Long enough to make people in the community claiming it will never come. Most of these probably enjoying the Kiowa now. Yeah, I know these two cases aren't totally comparable. But there is a baseline in which they all are. These small teams often work on their modules after daytime jobs. With everything that comes with this fact. Not being able to code today cause the child is sick. Or you are invited to a birthday. Developers leaving the project for a given time or forever,cause their live has changed. There are many things happening in these small teams,and every single one affects them way harder than a bigger team like Heatblur or ED itself. I feel your frustration, I really do. (Looking at the F4U ). But I understand that a timeframe of 5 years is nothing for such small teams.
  7. You should be sure. Maximum trapweight for the Hornet is 34.000lbs for a restricted approach. 33.000lbs unrestricted. So when you come in above this weight it can happen your gear takes damage.
  8. At least Raytracing was mentioned in this newsletter. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/news/newsletters/80815af823dd79988484f6e9a40c9bb0/
  9. This choice has been made by everyone here. They decided to play DCS instead of Ace Combat or WarThunder.
  10. Yes, it is one of the hardest things in flying. But here we are at the point where people tell you that's exactly what they want from DCS. The radios are much more simple to manage, but they aren't a core of flying a fighter jet. So there is an argument to say "easy comms yes, easy AR no". And when AR is part of almost any mission, than it is realistic that you need to be able to do it. Not to skip it.
  11. I really don't see how it would make the missions more realistic. In general, it's a question how far you wanna go with the "little helpers". There are other easy modes, like radio. But every single one pushes DCS a little more away from what it want to be. So you can ask the question: What prevents you from learning to AR?
  12. Thanks for quick reply! I will reload the script into mission then, maybe that helps. When I ran out of ideas I will come back.
  13. Could it be Stopgap doesn't work with the current build? Since the patch there are no planes anymore. Just like Stopgap is not in effect.
  14. For training the CASE I approach it is very helpfull to activate ICLS. It helps a lot to know where you should be when, and you can develop a correct picture in your head to judge from if your approach looks right or not. Eidt: And if the LSO will talk to you depends on if you did the comms before right. At least you need to be checked in.
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