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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World Steam Edition
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  1. Take note. I have no pedals unfortunately, I have no space for them. I even bought (for my dad) the L-39 (without knowing the steering think) and he called me that he was unable to use it. At first I was confident but after I tried for like an hour, I wasn’t able to taxi the plane, at all. He also doesn’t have pedals. After the release of this A-4 we both tried again and failed, again, together. I am probably stupid or not good enough to, that’s for sure since I see people online taxing perfectly but I don’t know what to do. Moreover, have to bound the pedals brakes to the keyboard it is really a pain, at least for me. Sure, but at the end of the day, this is a game. I know this is not a popular opinion but that’s the truth. I’m not asking something crazy like weapons or whatever. Even if the real plane didn’t have it, I personally won’t find it a deal breaker experience, moreover, people could always choose if using the real differential braking or enable the option. Honestly, I don’t find it much different to other plane option to change cockpit language, gyro drift, INS ready and such. We are not real pilots nor have the same time has them. It is a job in real life, not for us, I have just a couple of hours per week. At least me.
  2. Oh well, I don’t know about much other stuff but, I was basically talking about more hard points and HMD. But given your answer, seems even those are not confirmed in any way, right?
  3. Are they working on a Block 3 variant or that’s just dreaming?
  4. I am also joining to ask for NSW back or at least as an option. I really can’t fly the plane this way, if not starting on the runway. Also, without pedals, I think it is even more difficult!
  5. Oh absolutely. And I will also pay full price for it, don’t worry, that’s not the problem. I will be simply happy to see it coming!
  6. But the real question is: Will we ever get a version of the Mirage with Fox-3 and a T-POD?
  7. Thanks for the acknowledgement.
  8. I didn’t know that. I did this this basically out of curiosity. With a friend we asked if the cartridge also have the TERNAV data to make coordinate system works and basically I was trying that, and ended up finding what I found [emoji28]
  9. Reporting problem with the data cartridge. Problem: The module seems it simply don't use it. I tried not inserting the cartridge and do everything else as usual. Everything worked. Waypoint were loaded, the alignment was correct and new coordinates inserted was registered correctly. Thought: It seems the aircraft does not check if the cartridge it is inserted or not. Seems like an "If-Statement" missing, if someone get what I mean. Test environment: AJS-37 placed on a Georgian airport (if the maps may matter) for a cold ramp start. In Mission Editor also I added just a couple of waypoints. Started up the plane as usual, when the computer turned on I inserted the 9099 code (without the cartridge) and it loaded all the waypoints planned in the ME. After take off, I verified the accuracy of those waypoints and they were accurate. I checked for any TERNAV error code but seems it were fine, at least for my understanding. Than, I proceed to test if inserting new coordinates gave some sort of problems but it register correctly and saved as new waypoint. Again, accuracy was correct. Finally, I tried landing, or better, check if the landing airport was in the system and yes, it was. Conclusion: This was a short test flight (<10 min), in one map on one airport. It is surely nothing empirical but I think it is enough to raise a yellow light and ask to you, Developers, to check for it, as this is certainly not a normal behavior. Otherwise, if this is the intended behavior, I would like some explanation and ask what it is the use of the Data Cartridge also. Thanks.
  10. I just did the last mission of the campaign and by the time I get on my TGT waypoint, I got notified the mission is completed. The 4 plane package taken off before my flight had done all the job. Don’t know if it is broken or what, but what is, is that I just flight there and back without doing nothing, not really a “last mission” with epic soundtrack in the end let’s say xD
  11. Well...better than nothing. Thanks for the information.
  12. I'm looking into it as a personal matter, let's say. What do you mean it is not working? The IFF and I/P Button and clickable and they have a binding in the .lua file. Also the "IFF Function Selector" works and have a binding. For some reason they just do not nothing in DCS nor SRS/lotATC. I mean, there is the necessary to do a really basic stuff as "Turn IFF Off" or better, start the plane with it off and have to torn it on, as in many others, as it should be. Also other plane has basically the same I/P Button, meaning it can work, there is the possibility in DCS. Have Razbam sad something in this regards?
  13. I know that if there were some ETA in your WIP module, you would already have sad it but...is it possible to at least know in witch year do you think they should be ready? You think you will be releasing something in 2021 or probably not? Also, is it possible to have some "order" in witch you think you will release your 3 new modules? As I supposed you wont launch them all together. So we know at least really roughly what to expect. Thanks.
  14. I’m interested in this too!
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