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Everything posted by goosebumps

  1. Is there any workaround for that? I can't undesignate a target (in order to return back to SLV VV or SNWPLW) at all, not even by turning off the TPOD and turning it back on again. That's unfortunately very frustrating
  2. I still don't see it in the latest version, is that intentional? Also I did manage to use the HARMs with LA override, however the RWR screen doesn't work for me, making it hard to aim correctly. Am I missing something?
  3. I don't think the dangling comma is required in lua, it definitely works as intended in the mission editor. But with regards to a cleaner git diff, you're right, that would make sense.
  4. I should have seen this coming I guess even non-programmers will understand that I mean the line that reads: in order to add the SEAD task. Buuuut you never know... I know you're joking
  5. https://github.com/dcs-liberation/dcs_liberation/pull/1899 I marked it as WIP until the release of version 1.0.3, although it is just one line of editing in Eurofighter.lua (last line is new, line 955) Tasks = { aircraft_task(CAP), aircraft_task(Escort), aircraft_task(FighterSweep), aircraft_task(Intercept), aircraft_task(Reconnaissance), aircraft_task(GroundAttack), aircraft_task(CAS), aircraft_task(AFAC), aircraft_task(RunwayAttack), aircraft_task(AntishipStrike), aircraft_task(SEAD) },
  6. Awesome, I created a PR to make Liberation compatible with this mod and this will make it a lot more worthwile. Thank you!
  7. Is there a reason why the SEAD task is not included in the tasks list? It has anti-radiation missiles after all.
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