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  1. "Rear Aspect" missiles can sometimes get a frontal lock. Idk if this is realistic (it seems like it might be).
  2. i highly doubt ED would do a feature change on an FC3 plane at this point. We should definitely consider them finished aircraft, maybe a full fidelity F-15c would be nice though.
  3. Youre crazy dude. The F-5E has only 2 old sidewinders while most 3rd and all 4th generation fighters can carry much more advanced missiles. Youre comparing planes made in the 50s to planes made in the late 70s through 90s. You're massive hate boner for the JF17 is bizarre as well dude.
  4. So none of the ships can be hit at all? I just ran it again and one of the lead su-24s launched one of their ASMs right as I sidewindered it. That was the only thing launched at the ships and I'm sure it hit so is that it?
  5. So on Black Sea Resolve Mission 2 (Shipping Lanes) do you have to shoot down all the bombers AND escorts? So far I've successfully run the fight twice and each time one MiG-21 runs away and by the time the rest of the enemy are downed there's no way to chase them down. The mission counts as a failure and doesn't advance the campaign. If the trigger to count as a success is downing them all that doesn't seem right. The mission is to defend the ships so downing the bombers should be the goal right? Also I'd like to say I'm really enjoying the campaign so far. Mission 1 was fun avoiding all the SAMs and the dogfight over the black sea is super fun.
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