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  1. get the new version https://github.com/luizrenault/a-29b-community
  2. that's right, the external and internal model will change, I'm working as fast as I can in my spare time to finish the internal model.
  3. .DDS Marks: https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Logo_Esquadrilha_da_Fumaça.png More references https://www.google.com/search?q=A29+Esquadrilha+da+Fumaça&rlz=1C1CHBD_pt-PTBR865BR865&sxsrf=ALeKk03A4IanRehJU1nYJ-fZYTkIgmAZTw:1616194515964&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlz4vgub3vAhViIbkGHQGZAf4Q_AUoAXoECAQQAw&biw=1920&bih=880
  4. check your installation, the mod should only be in the folder below Exemple: C:\users\youuser\saved games\dcs\mods\aircarft do not change the name of the mod folder. Yes smoke system its working
  5. hello, as we do not have the original external 3D model of Tim Conrado, we were unable to correct this problem, but it will be solved in the name of the 3d model that is coming.
  6. small images of the internal cockpit in development, don't care about the colors of the objects, it's just a way for me to differentiate what is in modeling. note: we will put treats for dogs only container, in honor of Tim Conrad
  7. This is a Brazilian version no have armor, but we are seeing the possibility of implementing the armor through the rearmament panel. This is not the final 3D modelo, a New 3d model is comming.
  8. We are currently using anos SFM but EFM will be implemented later, as we are still learning. Who will be able to answer this question better is Luiz Renault
  9. mods a29 as t27 are being made in their spare time.
  10. Hello Orcrist, te project team is Luiz Renault does all the script programming. I am responsible for the new 3d internal cockpit, but it is very difficult to model with some reference photos and few schemes found on the Internet. We don't have access to the aircraft. And the external model is being created by Athos Bernardes
  11. If it depends on my authorization, it is 100% authorized, the more people who help texturize, we can improve the MOD. But Luiz Renault also has to authorize it.
  12. for those who are requesting, texture for the T27 Tucano (EMB312) to A29 Super Tucano (EMB314), wait for it to come too
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