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Everything posted by SpiffnZ

  1. Is there a download for this skin?
  2. Thanks ill give it a try
  3. ED seems to be preventing DCS from running the A29 mod in 2.5.6 after updating to 2.7 beta - any tips?
  4. Hey Eduardo are the training missions you've posted videos of on YouTube, available as mission files for download? & if so could you possibly post a link. Many thanks
  5. Ok I deleted the c130 & SU57 mods from my aircraft mods folder, I deleted then re downloaded the the two source code files from github & unzipped them into the aircraft mods folder, restarted DCS & then ran the mission again. Again the mission briefing commentary stopped after closing the canopy & I exited to desktop logs are included below. These logs are for the last trial I did in which I put the tar.gz folder inside the .zip source code folder after extracting them. I previously ran the mission with just the .zip source code folder in the aircraft mods folder & with both the .zip folder & the tar.gz folder in the aircraft mods folder, but in all three cases the result was the same. thanks for your help debrief.log dcs.log
  6. I will try the steps you recommend & let you know
  7. OK ran the mission again just now & both issues were present. Logs attached Thanks debrief.log dcs.log
  8. Hi all! First post so please forgive any faux pas! Ive been flying trying out the Tucano over the last few days and am enjoying it immensely. Great work & thanks for putting it all together! I want to feed back a couple of issues i've come across in case they are of interest. Using the 0.1.8b version Firstly, in the initial training mission the instructors dialogue doesnt continue when the cockpit canopy is closed. The other issue I've noticed is that on exiting a mission i return to the hanger but there is no UI window, so that I have to exit the game via task manager. I don't trhink that these are related to my setup, although I could of course be wrong. looking forward to seeing how the mod develops & thanks one again for all your hard work
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