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  1. Hi All! My name is Dan and as part of a 3rd Party Map project for DCS, we want to hear your (the community's) opinion on a new map! So, before I confuse some of you, let me explain who "we" are. Astronomix is a team of 3 'developers' looking to create an official 3rd party map for DCS, but we cant do it without some input from the community! We want to know what maps you all would want in DCS, to help us better judge what we want to develop in the future! Our team is still very much in its infancy - but as time goes on, we will set our sights on making an official 3rd party map for DCS, but that cannot be done without your input and opinions! So, please leave any votes/ opinions in the comments below, and we will look at these as potential ideas for a future map! For any questions, or to contact us directly, our discord can be found here = https://discord.gg/4KnnJCZjkP Thanks all, - Dan
  2. This right here. This is what we need. Simple as that
  3. League: Gold Squadron Name: 18th Sparrows Discord: [18th] Morphiix#3093 Contact Person: Morphiix Aircraft Selection: 4*F/A-18C 1*F-15C 18th Discord: https://discord.gg/Zd6PjKQVAr Pilot Roster: Morphiix (United Kingdom +1 Zulu) Destarn (Poland +2 Zulu) Camakazie (United Kingdom +1 Zulu) Mikkell (Netherlands +1 Zulu) Evan (United States -5 Zulu)
  4. You would have too place down four separate groups, and set a trigger for once each groups dead a second spawns in, with the first activated at mission start and the second, third etc on late activation, ps, he is using MIST
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