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  1. This was it. For some reason I thought the separation of exes was temporary right after MT rolled out in beta, so it looks like I've just been accidentally launching the single-threaded version. Thanks!
  2. DLSS and DLAA do not show up as options when you run DCS.exe directly (instead of running the normal updater executable). This is an issue because the only way I can currently play DCS is by using a launch option with DCS.exe, as described here: Would be great if DLSS and DLAA could be available through DCS.exe in a future version. Thanks!
  3. Yeah, I've actually found that I still run out of VRAM when Terrain Textures are set to "low" while leaving Textures at "high", I have to turn down the main textures setting to avoid VRAM issues. It varies from module to module. With newer modules like the Hind which have very high resolution cockpit textures, I have encountered VRAM swapping even on "medium". I am running the game in 4k on a single screen by the way.
  4. I don't think a 3090 would show this problem. Even if DCS VRAM usage has increased, it wouldn't come close to using 24GB.
  5. Is it just me or has DCS become more VRAM hungry in recent versions? I used to be able to run the game with High textures without issue on my 3080 10GB, however lately there are situations where even with Medium textures I run out of VRAM and get massive frame rate hits as it starts swapping (I can see this in Task Manager - constant "copy" activity on my GPU occurs together with these frame drops). Any chance that this might be improved in the future, or should I just buy a new GPU at this point?
  6. Just finished this campaign and had a blast! There are campaigns with more complex missions and better voice acting, but in terms of fun factor this one is right up there. It will test your skills - Hornet systems knowledge, AA refueling, carrier landings - but never in a way that feels unfair or frustrating. Some campaigns can be a bit frustrating or awkward to play because you end up getting killed by trying to stay on the rails of the mission script, and end up doing things you would probably never do on an MP server or other open environment. This kind of thing never really happens in this campaign, which makes it more enjoyable to play through. Mission scripting is really tight, you're never left wondering if you missed a trigger. Another really strong point is the weather and time of day settings. It's amazing how much better DCS can look when effort is put into this area. This was a really strong point of ROPL1 as well. There are a lot of really atmospheric moments in this campaign where everything comes together. Hooking up to the tanker just as dawn breaks over the horizon for example. As for ideas for the next campaign... ...I really like this one. The Syria map is pretty popular these days both in MP and recent campaigns, but we haven't really seen a campaign that uses the Cyprus part of the map yet!
  7. This would be ideal but I'm not sure how feasible it is. The dots file appears to be compiled when you launch the game (if you have any syntax errors in the code you get an error after the DCS splash screen). The developers would probably have to implement a system that makes dot file compilation occur when loading a mission instead, and they'd have to add the ability to download a server-specific dots file. Best case scenario in the short term is that they adopt the resolution scaling of this mod. Worst case is they don't change anything, lock down the dots file, and we go back to slumming it in 1080p
  8. Good points about light glinting. When someone like Yeager says he can see an aircraft at 50 miles he's talking about catching a glint of light rather than resolving the shape of an airplane. IMO until there's a mechanism to simulate light glinting it makes sense to have dots be visible at distances longer than 18 miles, aircraft being literally invisible beyond this point seems a bit much. The exponential fadeout to a longer distance could be a good compromise here.
  9. While Yeager's claim might be hyperbolic, I think your numbers are too conservative. If I can make out the shape of commercial airliners that are cruising at 6+ miles off the ground, I don't think it's inconceivable that a fighter pilot could detect the presence (noticing that there is an airplane but without identifying it's shape) at much longer distances.
  10. Just did some tests starting with disabling the transparency code and using only the resolution scaling. It's absolutely glorious to have that kind of visibility at higher resolution. I just played a campaign mission and it's crazy how much it adds to the game to actually be able to see where other friendly flights are in your package without having to rely on labels or datalink. Of course you could always do this at low resolutions, but having this kind of spotting with 4k graphics is amazing. Thinking about it a bit more, I do actually like the idea of transparency that scales with distance because it gives the player a sense of how far away objects are. I still think 18 miles is way too short of a distance for aircraft to become completely invisible however, as it's not realistic (doesn't match up with what fighter pilots report), and is going to have far-reaching consequences in non-BVR servers. I think transparency scaling up to 40 miles before becoming completely transparent would be a better ballpark for this. I really hope ED implements some changes to this stuff before they lock down the dots file. Otherwise it's going to feel like a kick in the teeth learning that this whole time we could have had the graphics of 4k with the spotting of 1080p by just editing a file, only to have it disabled after a week or so! Another thing I want to add is that I hope ED realizes how it negatively affects the perception of their game when everyone streaming MP on Twitch is running the game at 1080p or lower. You guys have a beautiful game, let people actually enjoy it without being at a massive disadvantage!
  11. It's a dream come true to see ED taking interest in this topic, as the current spotting situation is the single biggest issue affecting those with high resolution displays! I play multiplayer at 1080p on a 4k display because of the spotting issue, and whenever I jump into a single player campaign and crank the resolution back up I'm astounded by how beautiful this game actually is! My preference would be to keep the resolution scaling aspects of this mod but discard the more aggressive culling. 18 miles is too short a distance for aircraft to vanish completely - pilots like Chuck Yeager claimed to be able to see enemy aircraft that were 50 miles away (although this was probably in a best case scenario with the sun reflecting off them). In any case, 18 miles is much too short and would have a dramatic effect on gameplay in servers like Enigma Cold War. In summary, fix the resolution scaling issue which causes a massive disadvantage at high resolution and leave the rest as is!
  12. Just had the wings break at 7.7g in a sustained turn with a very gradual rate of increasing g. This is pretty silly behavior for a simulator. First, airplanes are engineered with a safety factor. And secondly, in real life there's no way you hit some magic stress number that causes the wings to instantly shear off an airplane, especially at a load that's only ~6% higher than the stated stress limit.
  13. Thanks @Rudel_chw, I didn't realize you needed to have an additional sub-folder inside "Cockpit_F-5E".
  14. Any tips on getting this to work? Nothing other than Default and Chinese are available under the Special Tab after following the installation instructions. I have C:\Users\user\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Cockpit_F-5E and then all of the .lua and .dds files in that folder.
  15. Was considering picking this up just now but it doesn't seem to be listed here (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/products/campaigns/) anymore
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