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  1. Hi I bought the app earlier today, and it seems great so far. But I think there may be a bug. I enabled the additional info and when I mark a target in the app the distance units seem to be reversed. Meaning, when I lock the same target in my hornet, I get the distance, and in the app with imperial units the number is almost twice as high (which would be correct for metric). In metric it pretty much matches what my hornet says. Also is there a way to have the heading to the target go from 0 to 359, instead of -180 to +180?
  2. Did you get the crackles solved? I have a Logitech G-733 and it works perfectly everywhere. Except for DCS. I just won't stop crackling.
  3. For what it's worth, I read that line as good news. An external client should be way lighter to run than even the server itself. I have no clue how mods like OverlordBot are integrated serverside. But a small external program that can be feed basically any audio through a virtual audio device, and can provide an audio stream to other programs through another virtual audio device? I'm sure that must be good for something.
  4. Can you bind SRS and DCS VoIP to the same buttons, so both get activated simultaneously? Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  5. I was wondering why he swivels the TADS all the time. Thought he may have learned a trick from Petrovich and is now activley searching for targets, and it just wasn't mentioned in the changelog for some reason. But this makes more sense
  6. I just had the same problem. From cold start flying to a target, he won't designate. Modified the mission to mid flight start, close to the target to get a track file. And what am I looking at? George designating and hellfires in the air heading to the target. Did something change in the cold-start procedure? Didn't see anything in the changelog tho.
  7. Awesome to hear that [emoji1]. I'm excited to see how you fill this with live Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
  8. +1 for the idea to make the sensitivity adjustable. I think with 100% setting having it as fast as it now is will still be in spirit with the realism. But the possibilty of slowing it down with a slider accounts for the fact that we do not have the military grade force sensing hardware this behaviour is meant for. Actually I like this change because selecting things with the tdc cursor now doesn't take forever as it did before. But I still would appreciate the slider option. to account for the hardware reality. Even with my Winwing Orion with the Hornet grips, that has excellent accuracy with the slew thumbstick it's really hard to be precise.
  9. I don't know about one being more accurate than the other. I always thought it should be about equal, with toss bombing maybe being less accurate. But that mainly because it's a more dynamic situation and depends more on pilot skill (managing speed, keeping the plane steady). Also I thought the main attraction of auto mode is that you don't have to dive (into potential ground fire). That however I can confirm. Using auto throttle I also hit bullseye from 6k feet. 14k however fell long, outside of splash damage radius. I don't have an old version to compare. I also tested dive bombing. From 14k it fell long. From 6k it also fell short. Track for 6k attached. FA-18 MT MK-82 Auto Bombing Caucasus 6k feet dive-bombing.trk
  10. That being said, I assume Auto mode also doesn't work by magic and therefore isn't 100% accurate even without wind. What is a reasonable hight at wich a vehicle can be expected to be hit? I feel like 14k may be a bit much to expect that.
  11. I tested as well, on South Atlantic and Caucasus at 6k and 14k each. For some reason mine fell long more often, but never exactly on target. Although sometimes within splash damage radius. All tests on MT version FA-18 MT MK-82 Auto Bombing test South Atlantik 14k feet.trk FA-18 MT MK-82 Auto Bombing test South Atlantik 6k feet.trk FA-18 MT MK-82 Auto Bombing test Caucasus 14k feet.trk FA-18 MT MK-82 Auto Bombing test Caucasus 6k feet.trk
  12. Yes PLEASE. The kneeboard having to be organized manually each flight is terrible. Even automatically generated sections, comes with map, comes with module, comes with mission, default, other, would be a huge help.
  13. From what I understand you can use OpenXR. create a shortcut to the DCS.exe and add --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR in the target line. Leave a single space right after " I was greeted by the openXR Toolkit, so I assume it works. Can't help with reprojection, but it is supposed to be fixed by the hotfix, so it should work.
  14. Hi, I bought the campaign yesterday and went through the briefing for the first mission. On the kneeboard there is the box WX. Presumably that's the weather, and some of it makes sense to me. But can someone please tell me what each point means? I'm taking the liberty to post the box of the first mission here. If that is a problem, Moderators or Baltic Dragon please by all means feel free to delete this post. I assume 21240KT is wind 40 knots coming from 212 degrees going towards 032 OVC040 = overcast clouds starting at 4000 feet sct230 no idea 66F = 66° Fahrenheit air temperature ALT: 2983 = altimeter setting SST:52F no idea SEAS: 5 no idea Can someone please fill in the blanks, and are my assumptions correct?
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