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Everything posted by Bluto74

  1. Other thread was closed but just wanted to thank the ED team for all the hard work and getting us back up.
  2. Bluto74

    F-15e Update?

    Got it. Thanks guys.
  3. Bluto74

    F-15e Update?

    Just for my understanding when reading the reddit post, who is Metal2Mesh? A RB person or someone on the outside?
  4. Bluto74

    F-15e Update?

    Again. Without the contract details, we can't know who. If that is true, legal means could get them their money, and they would not have to abandon customers. This could hurt purchases from 3rd party devs in the long run. I know I will think twice about giving money for a product that can be abandoned by a dev, and left holding my in my hand. But there were better ways to handle this besides upheaval. We will see how this plays out.
  5. Ok. Here is the deal. I am : 1. A long time loyal DCS and strong advocator for people to invest in this game. 2. Affected by the current issue. 3, A professional in the world of customer service First and foremost, consumers of a product have the right to voice concerns and complaints on goods and services. That is a liability a manufacturer assumes when they offer a product. Yes, it is always best when it can be done in a civil manner, and should always be the case. But emotions can all run high. And degrading the level of the issue to the plaintiff is not fair or the correct way to handle issues. It is impossible to interpret how important one thing is to another. Second, as much as the ranting bothers some, it should be noted that replys from non official ED personnel is also not who these customers want to hear from. It inflates this post as much as the unnecessary complaining. Your input is appreciated on how to get things working. But others are not constructive to the matter. Third. A huge thanks to BigNewy for keeping us informed. I do not envy you at all, but do appreciate you. Fourth. The fix can get you by if done correctly. Not optimal but does work. Not in all situations but with the fix I was able to slide up the pixel density slider to a good value for me and can fly a few planes on the Caucus map with little issue. Hope that helps some. We will be there soon gang. Hang in there.
  6. It does work. But without the debug tool able to run it looks like poop. Very choppy and can't see displays. Gonna see if the Oculus tray tool may be able to help instead later.
  7. It is the interface I need to use to make performace good. Located in Occulus, Support, Diagnostics. It is called the Oculus Debug Tool.
  8. I just tried the step by step instructions listed above. Yes, I was able to get it to run. But, The debug tool then would not start. Would just get an error. And I need the debug tool to make it look good so there is no point in using it if you use the debug tool
  9. Can confirm this as well.Does not matter if you still have ver 62 on the headset. The link software forced an update today. And of a pool of 10 people on a discord channel at leat three of us are unable to use DCS by this. And that is from a small sample pool. This needs a hotfix sooner rather than later guys. Please.
  10. I ran into an issue with the 15E encountering freezes while flying low. I don't have a track because the profile I was flying and trying to sort out was too long. It was on the Syria map. What would happen was when flying low, the game would freeze for a second, and then move again, and repeat continuously. This would only happen if the velocity vector was between 2 degrees nose up and 1 degree nose down. Changing graphics settings did not fix it. I suspected the A-G radar was the culprit, but even after flying in with it completely off, the same thing was happening. I flew it over and over and came to find out what was causing it was making the HUD go into CMD mode. If anyone runs into this problem, what ended up fixing the issue for me was after the stutters started, to then turn the A-G radar off and then back on and all was well. Only encountered the problem with the HUD in CMD for being able to auto acquisition aft to change between AUTO and CDIP mode on the fly. So give that a try if you ever encounter this.
  11. Here is a track for you. Repeated just like last time. Auto Bomb ASL Off Scale..trk
  12. Ok. Have had this happen twice. Both times, the track would have been too long, but I will try to capture a track if able. I did notice that both times, I was on the South Atlantic map. Not sure it is from doing the wrong procedure, as it is the same thing I do any other time. I designate, in both cases stationary ground targets. at Punta Arenas Airport, and the steering line stays full scale off to the left or right. However both times I did fire up the TGP from the back before the alignment was complete. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I will make a note to see if it happens if I do it after alignment.
  13. It was both 107 and 115. Sinai.miz
  14. Pretty sure it was 115. One of the hardened shelters. I can't access DCS right now because of authentication issues. I will find out for sure though.
  15. Got further in with 7 knots but can't make the turns.
  16. F-16 cold start placed at Ramon spawned in the air. Is anyone else seeing something like this?
  17. Currently recruiting AH-64 pilots and copilot gunners, as well as F-14 RIOs. Great group of people with great comradery. Visit our website for a discord invite. Just click on the Discord icon. Currently, F/A-18 and F-16 are full but do not hesitate to come and introduce yourself. https://www.cag-51.org/
  18. CAG-51 is recruiting for the F/A-18 Hornet, F-14B Tomcat, and AH-64D Apache. Check out our website at www.cag-51.org Instruction is available. Dedicated training and mission servers. Fun atmosphere mixed with a healthy amount of real-world operations. Discord invitation link on the website. If you think you would be a good fit, please come see us.
  19. Thanks. I was a tumbleweed on the procedure. Was making one a system target then designating before changing the rest. Appreciate the input.
  20. I was under the impression that TMS right while in TWS should change from one target to the next. Is this feature supposed to be working correctly, because I can not make it happen?
  21. Just flew this first mission and experienced the same problem with Devil 1-1 getting too slow. I am looking forward to this campaign. Seems really well done.
  22. Thanks Heatblur! Great job. Great module. And it is free. Hard to complain about anything with that in mind. Very much appreciated. Deck color is spot on.
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