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  1. Even at 100 percent I can no longer feel the canopy opening and closing? Why has this been changed and how can I intensify this effect?
  2. I did all that. The updater ran and installed a big file. Restarted the server. Still greyed out.
  3. My buttons are working but the left and right fire indicator lights dont seem to be lighting up when I hit the LT Test switch
  4. Loved this campaign. BUT It really would have been more fun to have a human wingman option in every mission. Is there any reason if two people own the campaign why we can't fly the whole thing together?
  5. How do I join this cool club?

  6. Stang. Are you still able to produce a Hornet cockpit? I would like to purchase one. I just don't have the capacity to do it myself from plans. 

  7. I did try a VR workaround by running OVRDrop and overlaying "The Way". Technically it worked but it was too much for my headset and crashes when I try to run them together in VR. I was still able to use it in VR but had to jump out of the headset and hop in and out of the game to add each WP. Perhaps someone with some more knowledge can modify it to work in VR like the scratchpad overlay does.
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