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  1. Thanks for adding the scoring document! Much appreciated.
  2. For what it's worth, I also only got 90 on what felt like a pretty clean run.
  3. I've actually been playing around with this and am only getting hits when using the LTS on the pod. I don't think it should work that way, as the Maverick-L should be able to track on the laser without the pod. If that's a bug, though, the campaign probably recognizes it and compensates by having the player call tally. ETA: Playing around with it more, I got a hit without using the pod out of curiosity. Doing some tests with this weapon, I note that the target needs to be fairly centered in the laser reticle. I was assuming it was more like a sidewinder which will track as long as it sees the target, but the laser mark should really be in the circle to make sure it will pick it up on launching.
  4. Thanks, both! This may be useful for anyone else learning the systems!
  5. I just finished the first mission in this campaign, and am enjoying it so far. However, the grid coordinates came through in an 8-digit format. As I understand it, the Hornet uses either 6-digit coordinates (normal) or 10-digit coordinates (precise). Does that mean that the proper way to input 8-digit coordinates is with trailing zeroes in precise (or cut off the trailing digit in normal)? For some reason, I intuitively wanted to put in leading zeroes, but that doesn't really make sense as I think about it! I also need to get up to speed on the offset system, too, but that's just reading the manuals! One of the really immersive parts of these campaigns is learning these nuances in systems.
  6. Thanks. I didn't actually land, but loaded a different plane spawn. That may cause the same thing.
  7. This bug has occurred a couple of times on larger missions with the F-4E. Sometimes, when in DT mode, Jester will say he is "unable" to capture a ground target, but then does it anyway. I've certainly seen other similar things posted, but this is a little more specific. In this situation, the issue seems to carry through the entire flight, regardless of additional targets. I've tried quite a bit to reproduce the issue, and have managed to do so a couple of times. The attached track file shows it in the second flight after choosing the ground start slot. So far, I think the issue has only occurred when starting on the ground, with a heavy loadout, though I'm not totally sure if those are required to create it. It might also have something to do with the bombing table use, though that's not clear either. I've seen the "unable" both before and after the "capture" call. I've also seen it seem to cause the capture to break after a few seconds, but I think it's all the same issue. Thanks! DT Unable.trk
  8. I'm enjoying the new waypoint designation functionality. In the first mission of the Frog-7 mini campaign, waypoint 5 is preset as the VIP, which was a very intuitive way to learn that process. I wanted to designate waypoint 8 as IP and especially waypoint 9 as the target, as that would be a good way to tell that it's coming. However, the waypoint designation sub-menu only goes up to waypoint 8, and I don't see any way to get further. It also doesn't advance with the flight plan. In the attached screenshot (sorry for the low resolution--it was in VR), my current waypoint is 4, but I still can't get past 8. Is there some way to do this that I'm missing? Or perhaps a future feature? Thanks!
  9. The other day, I noticed that the PAPI lights on the Syria map are quite dim even in 2D (see image). Some things like IFLOLS are much better in 2D than VR, but it seems like there may be a bigger issue. This is one of those core things that probably wouldn't be tough to fix but really hurts immersion.
  10. I picked up the Kola map in preparation for the upcoming campaigns. It includes an F-4E mission, Red Dawn. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. There's nothing online about this mission, so I figured I'd extend my recommendation. The operations from a Finnish highway airbase is quite engaging, the nuclear delivery profile is a lot of fun, and there's an interesting twist after. The nuclear delivery pairs well with the training mission from MiG Killers, which I would recommend before trying it under much more difficult circumstances in Red Dawn. My only piece of feedback is that it might be worth including the maximum height in the briefing. On my first attempt, I figured something like 500 feet was pretty safe, but definitely triggered the MiG 23s. I looked up the trigger in the mission editor and pushed hard to stay below 100 feet AGL to do it successfully (I actually thought I breached it so may have gotten lucky!). Thanks for the great mission!
  11. One other note about engine sounds--I've noticed that while flying in external view, there are some oddities with the sounds depending on the camera is. From some angles, the sounds nearly disappear (nowhere near supersonic speeds). Thanks for continuing to improve the module!
  12. Thanks for the continued improvements to this map. I definitely think it's the best out there for DCS, and I'm looking forward to exploring all of the new helicopter landing spots especially! I note that PAPI lights on this map and many others are quite dim. The issue is most noticeable in VR, especially with a high resolution headset. But they're pretty dim even in normal 2D (see picture). The PAPI lights are much brighter on the Caucuses map, and on Runway 32 at Groom Lake on NTTR (but not elsewhere on that map, which is odd!). That suggests there is a way to do that--would it be possible to implement something like that? Thanks!
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  13. Completely agree!
  14. For sure--sounds like an AI thing more than anything else. Thanks for taking a look!
  15. Thanks for all your work with the F-4! I'm looking forward to starting MiG Killers, but in preparation, I was doing the included missions. On your Covey 41 mission, the FAC can give two targets. Every time he's given me the beach (probably 4 or so times), I've attacked. Then, my wingman lines up like he's going to attack but doesn't drop. He'll then go around and do the same thing. Therefore, the mission isn't progressing. The issue does not seem to occur when the target is the hill, but I've only had that once. In that instance, everything progressed normally (but the MiGs got me--I need to work on those BFM skills in MiG Killers!). Here's a track (not my best procedural effort, just a quick and dirty to show the wingman's behavior). I've done things like actually hit the target and wait for the smoke before, so I don't think that's it. Are others experiencing this? There are videos online of it working, but likely from before the most recent patches. My best guess is that some recent AI change messed up the wingman's attack. Hopefully an easy fix. Covey 41 Wingman Stuck.trk
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