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Everything posted by Gradjevinac

  1. Regarding Pantsir, guns and rockets are changing elevation only when their front targeting radar is tracking the target. This is in real life. If we put ALARM STATE = RED, for me, you are only forcing SAR (surveillance acquisition radar) to scan the air. And I think that is a good decision to give some time to the SAR to transfer data and hand over targets for tracking to the targeting radar. In all of these pictures and videos, we are actually seeing that SAMs are simulating tracking targets (for the purpose of the video shooting they can fake-lock on some targets and track them) or tracking in that moment real-life threats. Pantsir and Buk are only elevating by azimut after locking the target.
  2. Sorry, somehow I didn't see the missile name, that you were talking about AGM-158. Downloaded B-21 and will test it then. EDIT: You are right. Pantsir-S1 and S2 are not detecting JASSM-ER. Just to test it, I added all three variants of the TOR system and they are engaging well.
  3. Using your .trk everything is working fine. Pantsir is destroying AGM after they go up from the sea level. You are firing AGM-86D from B-52. Pantsir can't see AGMs while they are far and at sea level, as soon as the missiles go up, Pantsir is launching 57E6 missiles. But I found a very strange thing after B-52 launches AGMs, they start colliding and exploding, and only 2-3 AGMs are reaching target.
  4. All mods are just AI mods. It's not intended to be used in Combined Arms driven by players. So all mods Pantsir, Tor and others work great when you let AI control them.
  5. Resurs or Redut is actually a naval version of the S-350 system. There is already an S-350 mod, so there is something to start from. Just to add, the missile on the thumbnail for this video is a missile from the Buk-M3 system, it's not from the Resurs / Redut system.
  6. Yes, they have great scientists and they combine knowledge from Russia, China and USA/EU. We can clearly see that Sevom Khordad, Sevom Khordad D9, Tabas and RAAD-2 are modifications based on Russia's Buk-M1-2 / Buk-M2 / Buk-M3. RAAD-1 uses a modified missile from the 2K12 Kub/Kvadrat system and DEZFUL is, obviously, a TOR variant.
  7. Hi, Maybe interesting asset to the combined arms: Chinese air defence system LY-70 OVERVIEW LY-70 Mobile Air Defense Missile Weapon System is designed to intercept air targets such as high-performance combat aircraft, cruise missiles, air-to-ground missiles, UAVs, guided ammunitions & rockets and attack helicopters in high-density attack and strong electromagnetic interference conditions in all weather at day and night. The system is mainly used for critical asset air defense and escort air defense. The LY-70 combat vehicle integrates AESA search & tracking radar, E/O search & tracking device, weapon control, missile launch, two types missiles including active radar homing guidance missiles (LY-70R missile) and IR staring imaging missiles (LY-70IR missile). MAJOR FEATURES High Integration Level & Quick Reaction Strong Mobile Combat Capability High Combat Proficiency & High Survivability in Battlefield Strong Fire Power & Multi-target Engagement Capability High Anti-Jamming Capability High Reliability and Easy Operation SYSTEM COMPOSITION LY-70 weapon system is composed of combat equipment and logistic support equipment Combat equipment consists of LY-70R Missile-in- canister (MIC), LY-70IR Missile-in-tube (MIT), Combat Vehicle (CV) and Firing vehicle (FV). Support equipment consists of Logistic Support Vehicle (LSV), Missile Test Equipment, System Simulator and Training MIC/MIT. LY-70 weapon system employs modular configuration, and the configuration is flexible as per actual battlefield requirements. Proposed configurations are shown in following table. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
  8. Hi @currenthill Do you have a wishlist or "list of what's next for modding"? Current conflicts have shown that air defence systems Buk-M2 and especially Buk-M3 would also be very interesting for the DCS world. If you need some help with data collection for MODs development and validating that, I will gladly help. Also, if you have some templates (spreadsheet/excel) for mods and their specifications, you can send them to me to find and fill them with info.
  9. Once again thank you for your hard work, this is a beautiful piece of work. I definitely will donate beer to your account. I am a huge fan of Rusian and Chinese air defence systems. To give some info: 1. Crashing. DCS was constantly crashing, after I removed the mod that was previously installed in "DCS\Mods\tech" folder "SAMPack_S-300_Series", everything started to work fine. 2. Small antenna. Pantsir-S1 and Pantsir S2 in your MOD have a small antenna for the rocket introduction to the main PAA on the left side, but actually, it should be on the right side on the target and missile tracking radar station 1RS2: 3. Pantsir code names. There are a lot of mistakes when it comes to labelling the Pantsir air defence system. The Russians were not guided by any sound logic when they marked up Pantsir versions and we actually see now a lot of labelling mistakes. Most of the systems that are in use actually only have the designation Pantsir-S1, there is no Pantsir-S2. - Pantsir-S1, KAMAZ 6560, surveillance-acquisition radar with a one-sided phased array antenna. The version that was represented in the Russian army and in Syria is the Pantsir-S1 with a surveillance-acquisition radar with a one-sided phased array antenna. Officially it's Pantsir-S1. On the KAMAZ-6560 chassis. - Pantsir-S1, KAMAZ 6560, surveillance-acquisition radar with a double-sided phased array antenna. The next modification that is the most represented in the Russian army is actually Pantsir-S1 again (there is no such thing as Pantsir-S2 code), on the KAMAZ-6560 chassis but with a surveillance-acquisition radar with a double-sided phased array antenna, this is designated as Pantsir-S2 in this DSC mod. Officially on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, on the page for the export of military equipment, it can be seen that the Pantsir with a double-sided phased antenna array is actually marked as the Pantsir-S1. - Pantsir-S1M, KAMAZ-K 53958 Tornado, surveillance-acquisition radar with a double-sided phased array antenna. The new official modification of Pantsir is Pantsir-S1M. Where it was retained by the surveillance-acquisition radar with a double-sided phased array antenna, but the targeting radar was changed and all this was mounted on a new KAMAZ-K 53958 Tornado chassis. - Pantsir-SM, KAMAZ-K 53958 Tornado, surveillance-acquisition radar with a one-sided phased array antenna. Pantsir SM is the next official modification and so far the deepest modernization of the Pantsir system. A new term and designation Pantsir SM-BM (battle/combat machine) and Pantsir SM-TBM (transport-battle/combat machine) are introduced. Now it returns to the surveillance-acquisition radar with a single-sided phased array antenna, but the targeting radar has been changed and all this is mounted on the new KAMAZ-53958 Tornado chassis as in the Pantsir-S1M version, which is apparently a step between Pantsir-S1 and Pantsir-SM ( BM/TBM). Pantsir SM-BM (battle/combat machine) Pantsir SM-TBM (transport-battle/combat machine) Summary: Of course, they also have naval and artic versions and SV versions on the tracked chassis, but there is no need to expand the writing on them now. I apologize for this long post, but I wanted to share information and observations with the group. Thanks again for the mods and all the hard work.
  10. Thank you for everything, sir. Where to put "RWR and HARM IDs by CH 1.1.0"?
  11. The developers sad that S-300 SAM series mod pack is in a early release, so there is lot of things to polish. I am sure when they all sort it out, they will come with the best installation procedure, without conflicting other MODs. They gave us something to play with and to test it, so lets help them to find all of the bugs, and give them time to fix it.
  12. Guys in the thread: SAM Sites Asset Pack - A 3D assets mod to populate you SAM sites, FARP and other bases @Strigoi_dk and @LetMePickThat released update to the 2SAP and also published a Beta version of S-300 line including S-400 and Pantsir-SM: @Strigoi_dk and @LetMePickThat Thank you, once more.
  13. First of all, thank you so much. You are great guys. Also, big thanks to your families for letting you guys doing this. To give some feedback: I previously had two mods: 1. HighDigitSAMs 2. SAMSitesAssetPack When added SAMPack_S-300_Series, to the "...tech/mods" folder " - DCS World can't go past intro screen. I am attaching the log file: dcswLog2022.06.29AllMods.log. dcswLog2022.06.29AllMods.log DCS quits here. Also DCS World version After deleting mod: HighDigitSAMs and leaving in the "Mods / tech" folder these two: 1. SAMPack_S-300_Series 2. SAMSitesAssetPack DCS is working again. Yeeeeaaa In the "Mission editor" screen, Pantsir-SM is not available under "Player Drivable" section, don't know iif this was intended, but just to mention it. When in game, I found it very hard to hit anything with rockets. Tried targeting helicopters (low / high speed and altitude) also planes (low / high speed and altitude) but as soon as I fire missile, after two seconds they explode (self-destruction). It looks like its exploding at the moment when buster engine should fall off. Every missile is exploding about 0.7 - 0.8km in the air: I locked the target, waited to be "in range" but missile is exploding to early. Also, when using missiles, after locking target, there is white lead showing up in the screen, but it does not help me. If I aim to the white lead, or red square, the result is the same - Missile is exploding after launching. Here, I am on Shells (missiles) target is locked (AH-1W, low altitude, 3,2km). This should be easy job for PSM, and look at the white leading circle, you cant even fire if aiming so low. Also command CTRL+F10 is not working, cant access Panstir-SM radar and lock-track targets automatically. Interesting thing is, when I do not control Pantsir-SM, AI is doing phenomenal job and hitting every target with 100% precision. Which is absolutely great. I am linking photos to the Google Drive, this looks amazing More screenshots - LINK
  14. Its not a bug, it a feature. For me this makes it more realistic. One just cant make a perfect square out there in a warzone. This is just great, thank you for all of the hard work and thank you for providing us such a great mods to play with. :)
  15. Thank you for all the hard work.
  16. Hi, can you please tell me which mod is used for this video clip? It's well known chanel Grim Reapers, and they are doing series of videos regarding current situation. There we can see S-400 and Pantsir-SM (I think). Do you have any idea how to get those bad boys in parallel with High Digit SAMs? Thanks
  17. Yea, I am already a heavy user of this MOD. But we don't have Pantsir SM in it. Can you provide a more details about Pantsir-SM specifications? On your YouTube channel I saw that you made missile 57E6ME. Is missile 57E6ME with 40km range? Did you integrate 4 new small missiles packed in one big missile container? And what did you do with new active electronically scanned array radar? Can it detect targets up to a range of 75 km? Sorry for being so boring, but I am really excited about this. Great work nad thank You very much for all of the hard work. Liked all your videos. @LetMePickThat
  18. How can we test this MOD? I am a big fan of all Soviet / Russia's air defence systems. I've been waiting for so long this Pantsir S1 (SM even better). Is it "Player Drivable" like Tunguska? Last picture is S-400 Triumph? You chose TEL version based on the MZKT-7930 chassis? With 48N6E / 48N6E2 missiles and also with quad formation of 9M96E / 9M96E2 missiles? @LetMePickThat Thanks a lot :)
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