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Everything posted by Sielu

  1. Hey, so if I disable bluetooth on my PC (switch it to Airplane mode) I get the exact behavior -- fingers closes after a few seconds.
  2. Interesting. Runs perfectly for me, on two separate PCs. One with LEAP service installed and one without. Are you running W11 or W10?
  3. So I've upgraded my previous hard-wired arduino buttons to wireless versions using the same Espruino Module that @frenzon is using... although I'm using the breakout board, and my solution is, again... significantly less elegant than Frenzon's: Couple decisions were made: 1. Didn't want to use LiPo's. I almost burned down an apartment a few years back with one of those (totally my fault, but... left a bad taste in my mouth). And, while I know these modules use almost no power, I hate the idea of going to start up the sim and then having to wait for my hands to charge, so I wanted something hot-swappable. 2. I'm not good at soldering, so I opted to use the breakout board, which necessitated moving the 'brains' of the unit to the back of the hand, which then meant I needed a mounting solution so I bought some "fishing gloves" on Amazon and hot-glued 3D Printed mounts to those. This has worked out surprisingly well, as I can actually rip them off and reposition them if needed. Not that I've had to do that... 3. With the added real-estate, I was able to fit bigger buttons on. I've got right and left click, as well as scroll up and down mapped to each finger pad. I've got the Espruino board mimicking a mouse directly, so the system doesn't know it's not me clicking. With all that, I've still got great range of motion, and the buttons are out of the way of the controls! Not to mention I feel like I've got Alyx's gravity gloves! Also surprising--and I did significant testing--Leap still manages to recognize my hands quite well. Tracking is only an issue at really weird angles, like trying to get back-panel switches. The other issues is that the Espruino boards tend to 'sleep' on their own to save power, which means that I sometimes have to click a bunch of buttons to get them to 'wake up' and start being mice again. Annoying, but workable.
  4. It's necessary to get the 3D Hand interaction, I believe. Honestly though, based on my experience you are not missing much just yet. You can (and it appears, already have) use the Leap to mimick a cursor to interact with DCS though. Are you strapping the device to your head or do you have it placed in front of your screen? The 'touchfree' app with the little white dot is probably going to be the best you can do, although there may be better cursor emulators out there. I found touchfree to be very resource intensive and moved over to @frenzon's "Fingers" app, but this is designed to view your hands from your head, so unless you're strapping the Leap device to your head it may not be as useful.
  5. Happy to at least try to help! Interestingly enough I get the same "connect device" warning when attempting to activate LEAP without VR on, are you trying to do this without a VR Headset?
  6. Believe it or not @pabletesoy I think we're making progress! At this point I would uninstall everything leap related and start over (again, I know). Also remove the LeapC.dll from DCS. go and install ONLY the leap gemini 5.3.1 release (the latest one): https://developer.leapmotion.com/tracking-software-download Run that, install it, and then restart the PC. You should now see only one leap icon in the system tray: That's the one you want. Now start up DCS and it should be able to connect. You MAY need to copy the new LeapC.dll into the dcs folder again though. I really hope this helps!
  7. @pabletesoy, you don't have the Ultraleap 'touchfree' application running do you? That will give you a cursor that looks like the above but won't give you fully 3D interaction...
  8. It's relatively easy to wire up an extra button or two to an Arduino, could you attach an extra button to the stick/throttle? Or if that's not authentic enough, attach it to your headset?
  9. Lol, my solution is ... not nearly as elegant: just two sets of these hard wired to an Arduino mimicking an Xbox controller, which is then bound to right and left mouse in DCS. The wires are annoying, but at least I don't have to worry about charging batteries?
  10. @frenzon, Just wanted to say I just found this utility after struggling with the current (native) Leap support AND sitting on the PointCTRL waitlist for the better part of a year. I've crafted my own rudamentary finger-buttons and, combined with your tool I literally could not ask for a better solution. Thank you for this!
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