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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, Falcon BMS, IL2
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    Game developer

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  1. Hi. I'm thinking about picking up some of the MAD campaigns but not sure if they're all the same missions but with different aircraft? Is there much difference between MAD, MAD:AH64 and MAD:Black Shark? (apart from the player aircraft) ? Thanks.
  2. Say if a buddy sees a target and reads you the LAT/LONG over the radio? I know that you can create markpoints as an overfly point (current position), and through the t-pod, but cant' seem to be able to edit markpoint coordinates, or create a new one from coords. Cheers for any help!
  3. Hi. Are you entering the markpoint like "M0" ? eg. shift-5 for M, and then the point number?
  4. IMO there's probably a way they could fix this with shaders. There's a trick you can do with depth masks, like how if you have a rowboat on water you can stop the water rendering inside the boat.
  5. Awesome, thankyou.. For some reason I thought it disengaged when you went max burn, so I'd been holding the throttle at like 3/4 trying not to afterburn.
  6. Placeable tarmac or hardened ground would make road bases so much more doable.
  7. So I've been trying out roadbases all day and one thing that would really help is a ground crew radio command to help turn you around. There's not much room to maneuver on those cramped Caucuses roads and the nearby FARP personnel will happily refuel and rearm your jet, but help you turn around or get off the grass? "You're on your own, pal!" Alternatively reducing grass friction while near a FARP would be also welcome. Not that I don't think getting stuck in the mud isn't realistic - it is, but in real life you'd also have support staff to help swing the jet around, and you shouldn't have to eject or spend a full tank max afterburning to inch across the grass. edit: Placeable tarmac or hardened ground would help too.
  8. Yep, no detent. That's what I mean - as an accessibility option for the detentless.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the thrust reverser disengages if the afterburner goes on? Which makes it really tricky to get to max reverse thrust if your throttle doesn't have a detent. I get that it's a safety thing: if the pilot's gone for full thrust you can assume there's some kind of emergency...but I'd really like to see an override setting where when the thrust reverser's engaged, your throttle's max range just goes up to mil power. Or some other kind of override to stop the afterburner lighting. Thoughts?
  10. A roadblock placeable static object that despawned or hid the traffic would be OK as well.
  11. Roadside FARPS / roadbases are fairly useless if civilian traffic will pay no attention and crash into your aircraft. I'd love if this was handled somehow - short of completely disabling traffic for the whole map. Something like a Trigger Zone you could place which will either hide (or at very least remove collisions from) civvy traffic while they're in it would be fine.
  12. I think there's a bit of expectations management that needs to happen too. Because they've named it George, voiced it, and using language like "commanded altitude" it gives players the impression that there's an AI agent flying the chopper. Like, a system that's aware of how to fly, and will try to do its best to actually fly the chopper and get you on-course. But if it's more direct, ie "commanding a speed-up just starts a speed-up regardless of its current attitude etc" then yeah, we need to think of it less of an agent, and more as just another set of input controls: you're still flying the chopper, you're just using a menu instead of the cyclic and collective. So don't try any dumb stuff, or anything that needs fine control.
  13. I'm not sure! What does U do? And what's that binding called in-case I've got something else there...
  14. Last night I was lining up on the cat in an F14, and after dropping the nose and inching forward into final position..I must've overshot it because the controller kept giving me the "come forward" gesture. After realizing I was now way too far forward I swung around to try to line up again, but the blast deflectors stayed up, and no other catapult crews would activate. Even after "Request Launch" on the radio. Seems like there needs to be a way to detect or signal that the launch has gone awry and reset the cat. If this was multiplayer it would've ruined the catapult for everyone.
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