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About badatthis

  • Birthday 01/09/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
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    music. singing ,Paralympic powerlifting

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  1. i did bind it did not work, no for some reason it is working on the list, shirt u dose not work, and the only reason i know is in the mirror he dose it not in cop-pit
  2. i will try that again, but even that did not work, fingers crossed ty
  3. then how do i get it to work on the ships, it says salute to start ?
  4. the f14 will not salute at all
  5. but how do i make it so i can fly any plain from that air port. or is the click blue side only online ?
  6. i have made the airport blue, clicked every think to unlimited, ie plains etc. but when i click the green arrow, i do not get the pick blue or red, box and nor can i pick any plains . I did try to find a video but nu think came up . have i missed some think, ow yes i said ok to dynamic spawns
  7. when i go on some on line servers replay works, but going on others it tells me replay fail. is it a server setting coursing it ?
  8. do you know can the server setting mess up the replay files . right now i have tryed 2 out of the 3 files i have to day and they say fail on replay ?
  9. thank you got one of my online flights to work right
  10. when i stop playing with my mates, i had a grate video but following the video. mission editor, options. clicked show all plains. saved it as ,trk . whent to replays when the bar comes up at the end says mission load fail
  11. i lay on my mates server use the youtube vids to do the .trk etc but it fails
  12. now matter if you are new or an old hand, we are a very friendly small group, choppers and jets, with a discord channel. We are here to help even in mid flight come take a look
  13. i save it as a .trk just like in the videos. but in replays it says mission load fail what can i do ?
  14. Qcumber i will have a look at that ty
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