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Red Hammer

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About Red Hammer

  • Birthday 06/06/1965

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  1. I have just downloaded the new J-11 model. I fact I just need the model itself. So I ony installed the shape file. But I end up have no skin for Su-27. Can any one please tell me how do I add my own skin to the new model?:helpsmilie:
  2. About the new J-11B model I have just downloaded the new J-11 model. I fact I just need the model itself. So I ony installed the shape file. But I end up have no skin for Su-27. Can any one please tell me how do I add my own skin to the new model?:helpsmilie:
  3. What do you mean TWS can't guide a SARH reliably?
  4. I lock on, even USA side's plane are very old. No matter from outside or in side (specially for Russian plane) they looks really old (Russian plane don't even paint its gun point). There paint are worn out. Can we have a texture that would make our flyable planes looks like just out of the factory?
  5. When are they gona come out for download?!
  6. Picture 1: Humvee side walking Picture 2: Invisible Humvee Picture 3: Humvee side moon walking Picture 4-7: Invisible building Picture 8: Missile fly through a building Picture 9: Route lines are gone.
  7. You should know only J-11B actualy carry PL-12. And it is as high-tech as your Su-27SM. Since Su-27SM is still classified, why do you think PRC is gona give you it's manual. Beside, the origenal J-11 is just a Chinese made Su-27. No upgrade were made on that. Only last year they changed it's engine. Why can't we just module this one. And they don't even have to module the new engine. They can just simplely add new country in and add one more skin.
  8. Any way I found in here. http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/aam/aa10tipos.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/aam/aa10.html&h=420&w=516&sz=32&hl=en&start=14&um=1&tbnid=fD8tGkBUiGaYFM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3DChinese%2BR-27EA%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN And I can't really read since it is neither in Chinese nor English. untitled.bmp 1.bmp
  9. Here are what I can find. R-27EA's radar seeker.
  10. By the way, Pilotasso. You said something about DOF cockpit. What does DOF mean?
  11. You mean they will add Su-27 and F-15 back in the DCS. That is a great news. But you did not metion anything about Su-33 and MiG-29S. Does that mean they are not gona be in the game? A-10C is gona be in. Wow! My friends are going to be crazy about it.
  12. And I think it would be good for F-15 players if ED can make its MFD reality.
  13. Where can I download this?:helpsmilie:
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