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About dakota558

  • Birthday July 18

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  1. I'll post this as a spoiler as not to spoil the mission. Otherwise, it looks like a great campaign and I enjoy the save feature so that I don't have to the whole mission again with AAR and all. Edit: Finished the mission.
  2. No worries, will give it a try once the OB releases.
  3. I said earlier that it probably was a mistake of my part, and it was. Forgot that you have to use the F10 menu to communicate with ATC... Problem solved. But thanks for your help anyway.
  4. No mods. Doing a repair now to see if that helps.
  5. Still no joy. It might be that I've forgotten something crucial, or done something wrong, but I can't figure out. Just to check that radio was working outside of the campaign, I created a quick mission with a ramp start, and was able to contact ATC as normal. I've attached a screenshot showing my radio in case there is something wrong there. Also, looking at the bottom of the briefing page, 125.7 is not listed as a frequency for Al Minhad. Did something change there? I did use 125.7 before without issues.
  6. I’m quite sure it was in manual as I don’t use presets. Will try again tomorrow and report back.
  7. Been away from the A-10 for a few weeks and decided to retry mission 6 which I've failed a few times... However, when I try to call ATC for startup, I get no response. Using frequency 125.7 and VHF AM. I can hear my flight just fine on the UHF. Did something break in a recent update or am I screwing up something here? (Using latest OB)
  8. Gave it another shot now, with the same result. Sent you a mail with the Tacview, so you can take a look at it when you get time.
  9. You could be correct there. I’ve been running max mil power to waypoint 2 to make the time, but I will try to slow down as making the time isn’t important. Will report back.
  10. I’m away for work now, but I’ll see if I can send you that file soon, probably Wednesday. I did give it another shot yesterday, and decided to attack the first target from the left group. Fired a couple of sidewinders on the second guy, but he shot me down shortly afterwards. Looking at tacview (sorry, screenshot of it), my wingman is still flying east and show no signs of setting up for an attack. But I will try again when I get back home and send you the tacview file.
  11. Engange the targets on right, does that mean right as viewed from my pov? Becasue that does not seem like a good tactic as my wingman does not engage the left targets right away and they are the ones who gets there first. So if I don't engage them, I will get shot down before getting a chance to go for the right ones. I've attached a picture from Tacview showing my wingman heading due east, and I'm about to get shot down.
  12. Ok, got it. Just another ED bug then... But again, thanks for the campaign!
  13. Just completed mission 7 and can confirm ACLS works there.
  14. I've only tried it in missions with case 3. Mission 6, and I believe mission 5. I'm attempting mission 7 now which also have a case 3. Will report back once I get those mavericks to lock on and I can get back to the ship...
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