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Everything posted by Jolly_Chief

  1. @BIGNEWY@MatveyTsivinyukis there any info on the source material used to define the traverse (and elevation/depression) limits on the door guns in the UH-1H? In this thread as well as another (linked below) there is a common consensus that the traverse limits may be smaller than that of the real world Counter part (shown in videos in the thread above). In the thread linked below @AlphaOneSix mentions his experience shooting out of an HH-60G having nearly 180 degrees of azimuth traverse. I can also confirm that in my experience working in the same airframe. The UH-1H could be totally different, just trying to relate the experience we DO have to the experience we DON’T have to explain why we think it could be a little off. Thanks in advance for looking into this and providing the source info for us knit-picky “door gunners”!
  2. @hannibalI want to eventually try and make this. I have an idea for the buttons/switches I'd like on my GCU, but am surprised at how many you have on yours. I am wondering what they all are so that maybe I'll realize some nice quality of life switches before printing/wiring the GCU. So far I'm thinking of triggers, PTT's, Radio selector, maybe Countermeasure button if DCS allows gunners to deploy (I can't remember right now) Thanks for the inspiration!
  3. Been almost 2 years since we “asked the team”. Any update? @BIGNEWY @MatveyTsivinyuk @PilotMi8
  4. @BIGNEWY any update on this? It’s just a little weird that we can grab almost everything with VR controllers, except guns. I’ll be that guy, “my immersions tho…” It is very rewarding to have a full crew or even just one guy sitting in the back of a helo when it comes to crew SA, threat evasion, or even just pinnacle landings. For the players willing, that includes moving around quite a lot more than is comfortable in a chair; or even safe if they have peripheral controls mounted around their chair or desk. That said, let’s look at the possibility of players being willing to move around like that in VR. Should they decide to make/find an empty space they can place a chair and then play “gunner” it would be much easier to “grab” the gun rather than move to their desk to pull the trigger on the HOTAS or do some weird unorthodox mounting to their chair (lord help them if they try to stand).
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