This is a long-standing issue I've had with the Mirage, and it seems to have gotten worse over time. Particularly in the cockpit, the shimmer is significantly worse than any other module, to the point that I have trouble reading anything without a bit of zoom. Some of the weapons (in particular the S530) look almost cell-shaded with how strongly the edges are aliased. There seems to be a bit of a performance hit in the F1 cockpit as well.
It's a real shame because the Mirage might be my favourite aircraft to fly, but the visuals are just such a mess compared to literally everything else. I know a lot of people have experienced the same thing, and a lot of people haven't, so here's the question - has anyone managed to fix it? Some particular setting that reduces the shimmer to a bearable level?
I'm running at 1080p with an RX 5700XT. Textures on High, MSAA x2, Anisotropic filtering x16, no sharpening or upscaling. DCS inherently has a bit of shimmer, but these settings look good for every other module, so I'm hoping to finally get the Mirage F1 working too.