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Everything posted by 159th_Dorsk81

  1. Does anyone know how to change the pilot view inside the cockpit when using TrackIR3 Pro Vector Expansion. I have joined servers on HL where you could alsmost see behind you in the cockpit. I would like to have the ability to change these settings myself. It would be very useful when a BVR engagement becomes a dogfight. Look forward to your replies on this.
  2. Big Thanks for all the replies. Have found the link and downloaded the file. Good Hunting
  3. Does anyone know where I can download the pilot scheme with knee maps of the theatre of operations for Lock On as shown in the picture?
  4. Try downloading ACMI (TACVIEW). It lets you replay your entire flight. You will be able to track the path of your missiles and decoys. It will help you develope your tactics and when used online give you an insight into some of the tactics used. Download it from: http://lomac.strasoftware.com/lomac-acmi-en.php Good Hunting
  5. As well as an awesome skin. The 159th Guards Aviation Regiment has an awesome bunch of pilots from across the globe. From Canada, The United Kingdom and Holland. We train hard so we can fight easy and we are always willing to pass on ideas and tactics to pilots whether they belong to the 159th or not.
  6. Santa left me an X-52 in my Christmas Stocking. I must say that I am having no problems with it. I also installed the program manager. This is a must for setting up your own profiles. A Trackir system at some point would be advisable. Once you have flown using the system you'll never fly again without it. If your still having problems post again. I am sure other members will be able to give you detailed instructions on how to solve any problems you may have.
  7. Turbulence, Jet Wash, & Refueling. I agree to point. When refueling you do encounter some difficulties. Especially if the tanker is flying below 400km per hour. The Su-33 can become difficult to control at slow speeds especially when trying to connect to the drougue. I find that when setting up a tanker flight I make sure that the altitude is locked and that the tanker is flying at a speed anywhere above 500kph. Try that setting and I am sure you will notice the difference in the flight characteristics of your plane. Also try a refuelling flight on HL. The host is the only person who can see the drougues. As a client you have to fly using the cues on the HUD until you connect, then the drougues become visible. It's great practice and helps fine tune your stick control... Best of luck with that.
  8. Scoring System I just want to see a scoring system which encourages pilots to fly in formations and use the fundementals of BFM. Points for Offensive and Defensive BFM should be shared between the flight. A single fighter that engages and manages to shoot down a two-ship should get more points.
  9. TIR pro 3 and vector expansion Hi just wanted to know if were getting to grips with the vector expansion. Please post your findings.
  10. Formation Flying Very Interesting comments regarding formation flying. I have an idea I am sure you may have already tried this. Create a mission with at least two wingmen. Fly your foramtion as normal but make the mission a track file. Then each time you play the mission you take control of one of the AI wingmen using Alt + J. Hopefully you'll be able to follow your previously flown formation. Give it a try and let me know how you get on.
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