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  1. So its VIS and DTOS with the same issue... I think I found something else, though. While trying to set a markpoint (using VIS), it'll auto SOI to the weapon page if you don't let the TGP point track, before the TMS up. An area track should be a valid capture especially if you're doing SEAD, and you're marking a SAM contrail before diving to safety. F-16_TGP_VIS_bug.trk
  2. Does this also include the TGP not ground stabilizing to a designated SPI, in VIS mode? I can no longer SOI the TGP in VIS mode without the TGP drifting away.
  3. That's what it was...never confirmed on the DED. It works now; thanks for your help guys
  4. Sorry for the late reply. Ahhh, I didn't press enter. I'll try that when I get home
  5. Yes, it matches the F10 map. But even so, the steer select should steer it to where it (Assumes) the steering point is, if there's an alignment error. And every time, I get it to "10", then place it in NAV. I've been flying this bird for a year and never had this issue before.
  6. It seems that the stored alignment has the AP working perfectly, but the NORM alignment breaks it. That's exactly what I did in the Red Flag campaign. File is too large, so here is a link: Track file
  7. Yeah, that was the 1st thing I selected. I'll watch your track and try again. If it doesn't work, I'll submit mine
  8. The steering select doesn't work, from a cold started jet. The heading select works, but when steering select is toggled, the Viper just levels out any roll.But, it works as intended, from a hot start jet. I'm unaware of any settings that could have been missed, that effects the autopilot (normal alignment, calibrated to "10").
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