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crazyru gt

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About crazyru gt

  • Birthday September 2

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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    Жду выход МиГ-29А и реворк 21-го МиГа

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  1. It would be great if there were some docs about MFD. Also pilot's model looks glossy and reminds me of rubber or smth... Otherwise i love your mod and I see it got such a big progress since I first time played it
  2. Didn't know that, thanks
  3. Why in this module there is a pilot from flaming cliffs 3? Especially strange it loocs when it's 1975 and you eject, then you see russian flag on the shoulder
  4. Thank you so much!!! Now this mod works just fine, so good!
  5. Hi everyone, Digital Combat Simulator Black Shark 2023.03.16 - i have this problem (on the video). Some units just don't load in redactor when i place them, when the game started they don't spawn too. How can i deal with it?
  6. Когда ставлю вместо обычного Кузнецова версию 2017 года, то при запросе на возврат он говорит по-английски "вы не имеете права на посадку". А если это проигнорировать, то гак тупо не цепляется за тросы, проверял несколько раз, на старом все работает нормально. Как это починить?
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