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  1. Never had any issues with locking pin in my CM3 throttle which is like 3 years old. It definitely does not feel "cheap" for me. Advice? Contact virpil support. More than sure they'll get it sorted out.
  2. Привет. Сразу скажу, что линк тулом я лично не пользуюсь, но если ты надеешься получить ответ, то лучше задай вопрос непосредственно в ветке разработчика ПО на форуме вирпил. Английская ветка. Русской ветка.
  3. I think the OP means not the transparent caps but rather the electronics+caps. And no, I don't know what these buttons are called, sadly..
  4. Hey! How do you want throttle axis to work exactly? Did you create virtual buttons that trigger based on the throttle levers positions? I have not played DCS for years but I am pretty "skillful" when it comes to the virpil software so maybe I will manage to help.
  5. Pretty sure virpil configurator does not work with warthog bases so you can update firmware of this base there. If you have a virpil base then test the VFX on that base. If you don't have such a base then make sure no pins in the grip's plug are bent or broken. EDIT: I took my warthog from the basement and checked my alpha with warthog base. No buttons are registered in VPC configurator. You need to open vpc joy tester and test buttons there.
  6. Не думаю, что это возможно. Разные базы означает, что профили тоже разные. То есть там нумерация кнопок тоже другая. Единственное решение которое я вижу, это создать новый профиль для WarBRD базы, привязать контролы в игре и забыть об этой проблеме навсегда Если кто-то знает другое решение, то я с радостью послушаю.
  7. Не совсем понятно, что имеется в виду под "переключение режима хатки с осей на кнопки". Поясните. Возможно смогу помочь. На счет долгих нажатий..вирпилы добавляли в свой софт режим активации кнопки, который так и называется PRESS AND HOLD. То есть можно сделать так, что определенная кнопка будет срабатывать после удержании этой кнопки в положении ВКЛ в течение определенного времени.
  8. Ради теста можете попробовать увеличить Encoder delay timer в VPC Configuration tool если у вас не максимальное значение там. Насколько мне известно, это увеличит задержку срабатывания кнопок, но при этом увеличит время считывания срабатываниний энкодеров. После внесения изменений не забудьте нажать SAVE VPC DEVICE. null
  9. With the default profile - no, they don't. But you can make changes in this profile so switching positions of the 5-way mode switch will also change functionality of E encoders and T toggles just like it does with B buttons. But keep in mind that you can have no more than 128 logical button per device. Dunno, I think no. Maybe someone else can help.
  10. To speak of the devil. Virpil just posted this. @Turd Ferguson
  11. Sadly, ACE pedals don't have a damper mechanism. So they will always return to the center when feet are off them.
  12. It used to be months at some point before the gear your purchased was shipped but now it's a couple of weeks depending on what's in your order. You need to contact their support and they will let you know how much it will approximately take to ship the package.
  13. Good point. But it's only first ALPHAs that had a bolt and a nut. Later they were replaced by a pin that can't be adjusted.
  14. Pretty sure its an uncommon issue that only virpil support can help you with. Just contact them. They used to be very helpful and quick to respond when I was talking to them in the past.
  15. I am happy all works great now and all, but the question is how did you manage to import profiles from 2020 software into current software? I thought profiles created in the older software had different file extensions so they could not be imported in the new software. Am I missing something?
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