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  1. I just did this last night. I couldn't use the mini stick to slew at all. took about and sprayed WD-40 in the throttle potentiometer and mini stick assembly. Guess I can do that in 6 months. I see it as maintenance
  2. The FA-18 Core Mod is missing some texture. The ED FA-18C.zip folder has 82 files. Your mod has 73. The new helmet is missing texture. I had to not use the FA-18 Core Mod pack. Is there a new upload I am missing?
  3. Meta app v68 actually works great for me even without OXRTK. My setting for Quest 3- 72Hz, ASW on auto, 1.3 SS, 1.0 PD. In one one one dogfights in the F-15 in Caucasus, I get 60-72 fps. ASW never kicked in. Same with some campaign mission in F-18 (Serpent's Head). ASW doesn't kick. I tried VD but there is a flashing every 2 seconds and it is quite annoying. Not sure where that comes from.
  4. I am seeing this too- skipped AAR and listening to Spartans- no shoot downs, no call for CSAR.
  5. Thanks for the answers. I do like the ability to switch settings before launching the game but I guess I will have to go without it.
  6. I love the new launcher in DCS. However, it sems my OTT profile for DCS doesn't recognize when I run DCS with it so I don't get the per game setting. Anyone know a fix? I use the DCS.exe in mt bin
  7. Thanks for this. I tried it and it works better than before the recent patch. I have been trying to maintain 72 hz with no ASW. Works OK most of the time but the Phantom+ Caucasus map drops it down to 50-60fps. Using 90hz locked at 45 ASW is a bit smoother. I have a 4070 so PD=1 with zero super sampling
  8. Do you use OpenXR or QVFR? Turbo mode disables ASW so you can try turning that on
  9. Both the F-18 and F-4 are taxing on some maps like Caucasus or Syria. F-14 seems to be the lightest of the 3 for me. However, landing at Nellis for me in the F-4 dumps my fps down to 40-55 =(
  10. This update is a big improvement for me. I can connect to the cable so much easier. Works like a dream now.
  11. Nooooo. I guess I will have to go with Steam
  12. I am confused- ED sells for 79.99 $US, Steam $63.99, $60.00 directly from Heatlbur- is this right?
  13. this. My monitor and VR graphic settings are way different. This launcher can remember each settings.
  14. Can we make missions load different maps? Do some time warp to land in the Arabian sea?
  15. I can connect but staying connected is a huge problem. From watching real videos, I see the basket is a little sticky once connected- there is some degree of movement. In DCS, it separates too easily. The Tomcat has so much fuel that I don't ever need AAR on my missions. If I need to tank, it's just a few seconds to grab a few thousand pounds to get on the boat
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