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  1. I completely understand what you're saying. I play multiplayer on my own server with a friend and find there's issues in replays or during with the missiles so I was just seeing if it was possible to just have the performance side of things. Anyway thanks for the assistance, worst case I'll just have to stick to the original. Thanks
  2. Yeah, that's the one I initially tried but I thought it didn't have your enhancements for the handling/performance, which I really enjoy. I was mostly just wondering if I could basically have the multiplayer version with the single-player versions handling/performance with the original weapon system.
  3. @Nightstorm Just wondering if there's a way to have all the mods enhancements from the single-player version but with the stock missiles from Grinnelli's? I play mostly multiplayer and really enjoy all the enhancements you made such as the handling/performance and the radar but missiles and stuff don't show up the same to other players and have glitches in the mission replays. They have the same mods as me but don't fly the F22. Thanks
  4. @Nightstorm I've been doing some multiplayer with the single-player version but I was wondering if there's any way for them to see the same missiles I shoot? The AIM-260's name/look are AIM-120's? They have the exact same F-22 mod as me. I saw in the RWR mod you made you might be able to change names around to fix that but I wasn't sure about physically changing the look of them and how they separate at range. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the info, I've been just using the arrow keys and I've gotten used to it. Thanks Nightstorm.
  6. @Nightstorm Any idea why the BVR radar won't let me widen my altitude range? The min and max range just follow each other and I can't pick anything up. I can use my arrow keys to move to lock the target but it also changes the altitude range while doing that. It works fine when I just use Grinelli's stock version.
  7. Hey Nightstorm, I really enjoy the mod but just had one question. Is there a way to have the single player variant but with the standard/stock cannon? I prefer the full tracer and stock cannon but I like everything else from the single player version. Also having my AIM-9's flying into my flying path. Thanks
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