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About Nightstorm

  • Birthday 02/06/1972

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, BMS, Prepar3D, X-Plane
  • Location
    Minnesota, USA
  • Interests
    Flying, Mustangs, Lightsabers

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  1. I know you can add them to the aircraft that way and get the AI to use them. Can the PLAYER use them? In the past they had to be supported by the avionics. The only work around was to replace a weapon that was. There have been several mods that add AI use only additional weapons to aircraft. If that's all you're looking to do, that method works fine.
  2. Yes, I think it's in the public release, I'd have to confirm. I'm at work right now.
  3. There corrections made, the B61 tactical nuke was added.
  4. Those B-61's I added to the F22 mod could be employed here. You have my consent to implement them if you wish.
  5. It might be possible via the MFD code, but it would have to be two versions. I don't want to have to maintain multiple versions. It's a single button push to turn on the photo.
  6. The only way to get the AIM-260 to work on those aircraft is to replace a missile that they can already use. It MUST be supported by the avionics. That's what I did with the AIM-120B to make it the AIM-120D in the Modern Missiles Mod. It wouldn't take a LOT of effort to convert the AIM-120D to the AIM-260 but that's what would need to happen. Maybe I can work that out in the not so distant future. I've got a week of vacation coming up in Feb. This would apply to the F-16/F/A-18. The F-14 it can be added in place of the Phoenix. Other 3rd party aircraft (mods) it should be possible to add. It's not as simple as just copying that A2AMissiles.lua. It depends on if they're official mods by ED (F-16/18) or Heatblur (F14) or others. Not that I know of. It wouldn't be hard to implement them. I'm not a texture artist myself. If anyone wanted to take that on, I could easily incorporate them into the mod.
  7. I included three different flight model variants in the mod. \Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft\F-22A\_Backup\Stock\F-22a.lua contains the stock (Grinellie's) flight model. Just overwrite the one in the F-22A folder. The one that's installed by default is in the Custom folder. The original F-22A lua files from Grinelli's mod is encrypted and will not work with the weapons I've added. It has to be replaced.
  8. Should be fixed. I changed the files to "on line" only and that evidently changed the download links in Dropbox. Live and learn.
  9. Nightstorm, as you know I love your enhanced F-22.

    Sorry for the dumb questions. But, I see in the thread that you made updates 2, Jan 2024. Do you have a change log posted somewhere? ...and is the latest version linked on the first page.

    1. Nightstorm


      It was compatibility updates for the changes to AMRAAM coding in DCS.  No new features were added.

    2. plott1964
  10. Say you have the F-16 CFT mod installed that gives you access to multiple versions of the F-16. By default, the ICP will only work with the stock F-16C. This is because there is a file called dcs_event_bind_config.js in the SimAppPro folder located here: \SimAppPro\resources\app.asar.unpacked. You can edit that file and add additional F-16 versions and presumably F/A-18 versions for the SuperBug mod. However, that only affects the lights. Landing Gear handle, RWR power and panel lights. Which is cool, but what controls the DED display? There doesn't appear to be a similar file for that. The DED only works with the stock F-16. I've attached my modified version of the file for the F-16's. If anyone has any ideas on the DED, that would be awesome! Thank you. dcs_event_bind_config.js
  11. I believe it's in Kilograms. The warheads.lua used be accessible and had details of how the warhead information was done. The last version that was available was in DCS 2.5.6. After that, they encrypted/hid all of those files. I don't have information on exactly what each variable does. It was a lot of trial and error. The settings changes I suggested were based on an anti-ship missile, which one would presume is designed to damage ships....so, if it didn't affect it, I can't tell you why not.
  12. Hello. That's working as intended. You may notice that the liveries on the F-16EX done by @Texac are very similar to those of the F-22 Raptor liveries he also did. They have sawtooth patterns and the same appearance. The idea was to create a semi-stealth Viper. Not as good as the F22 or even the F35 but to have some stealth characteristics. The F-16EX is fictional. In the F-16EX.lua file you will find the RCS defined as well as some references. RCS = 0.010, -- Reduced RCS from 4 m2 for stock F-16C. 2 x F35A and 100 x F22A. -- RCS = 0.005, -- Radar Cross Section m2 F-35A Reference -- RCS = 0.0001, -- Radar Cross Section m2 F-22A Reference
  13. Do you also have the F-16 CFT mod installed? For the F-22 Single player mod it installs the A2A_Missiles.lua in your saved games folder .\Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft\F-22A If you have the F-16 CFT mod it installs the exact same file in your main install folder .\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\AircraftWeaponPack DELETE the one from your saved games F22 folder. As mentioned on the first post: Single player external stores changes. This requires changes to one main install folder but allows missiles on wing pylons. USE THIS IF YOU ALSO HAVE THE CFT MOD OR THE CATM WEAPONS MOD INSTALLED. There is a common file A2A_Missiles.lua that you can't have two copies of.
  14. That's the 50kt explosive force. Yes, increasing that will have a direct affect on the damage done.
  15. It's probably the warhead parameters. It wasn't intended for anti-ship. I've adjusted the warhead. Try the attached file. It goes into the X:\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\AircraftWeaponPack folder. You can backup the original first. I only changed the 50KT one. Let me know how it works. A2G_Bombs.lua
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