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About minty1fighter

  • Birthday April 7

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL2
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  • Interests
    photography, flightsims, guitar

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  1. your not the only one, i thought it was just the lighting or my settings but it looks yellow to me too
  2. Something i have noticed based on reading the aircrafts manuals and seeing real life videos on the spitfire, the issue regards the mixture controll lever as it is currently it is inccorect, currently to start the engine you must, set the fuel cock, build fuel pressure using either method, prime the engine, open the covers press both at the same time and once the engine begins to splutter or "catch" move the mixture into the "RUN" position from "IDLE CUT-OFF" referencing "Air Ministy Air Publication 1565J, p&l-P.N. September 1946 Pilots notes" (this covers the merlin 61,63,66,70 and 266) it should be done as follows, (PRE-START) set fuel cock ON Ignition (magnitos) switches OFF Throttle 1/2 in.-1in. open RPM lever fully forward Mixture lever (Marked correctly as Idle cut-off lever) Fully Aft Supercharger Auto Carburettor air intake filter control Filter in operation (START) Switch ON the main tanks booster pump for 30 secconds (this is done as both the wobbly fuel pump and booster are mutually exclusive and it is used instead of the wobbly hand pump) Then switch it off (at this point the low fuel pressure light should extinguish) and set the mixture (idle cut-off lever) to the forward RUN position Prime the engine as required based on the outside temps switch on the ignition (magnitos) and press the starter and booster coil pushbuttons when the engine fires release the starter button; keep the booster could button depressed until the engine is running smoothly the issue is, that this is not possible in DCS you can only start the engine with the mixture aft then wait untill the engine "catches" and move the mixture to run, as you can see in the manual this is inccorect you can also find videos for the real thing starting up in the manner described in the manual and not how it works in DCS, this is something that has bugged me for a long time, and i could not find a report on it so i thought id make one. I own a phisical copy of this manual can have a digital vertion i can send if you need it both are identical i can also provide a video if you wish regards minty
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