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About Outlaw3

  • Birthday 10/09/1974

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    FS, DCS
  • Location
    East Coast, US
  • Interests
    too many!
  1. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've watched "Landing & Shutdown Tutorial for the F-4E Phantom by Heatblur in DCS World" by Reflected about a dozen times and I still cannot get anything right. Well, other than the break and that's still iffy. On the downwind, 250 kts I lower the gear and start trimming nose up, then 220-210 drop the flaps and continue to trim nose up. Here's the interesting part, I try to maintain 180-190 kts while attempting to get "on speed", I either start dropping like a rock or I'll start gaining altitude like a rocket. Especially during my last turn. In one scenario, my airspeed was about 160 kts and I was gaining altitude and another scenario I'm at 190 kts and descending fast! AOA is as close to the same as I can manage both times. It seems the more I try the worse I get. I have better luck with the F14 landing on a carrier than the F-4 on shore. This is really frustrating me to no end. I really love the F-4 more than the 14 too. Flying it is a blast but my landings are embarrassing. I'm either landing extremely hard or just ending up in a fire ball. I've tried adding power to when I sense that I'm descending too fast but that seems to make it worse. I think I need to take a break from it and check my headspace and timing.
  2. First off, this was a phenomenal campaign. I just finished M09 and am quite sad that I have only one mission left. I am really looking forward to when Part II is released. Hopefully soon! So one of the things that I had problems with, and this might be an ED issue, is sometimes Biff has so much static on the radio that it is hard to hear him sometimes. Even though he is just off my wing. M09. To me, LOTUS just sounds so sleepy and tired. You'd think that there would be a little more upbeat to her voice considering that she is in control of an aircraft. There were times when there would be a short pause in communication that I would wonder if she had engaged auto pilot and taken a nap. Then, all of a sudden there are voice overs. Like whoever did the sounds forgot to add the filters to make her sound like she should be talking over comms. It sounds as if she had beamed herself into my cockpit and talking to me directly, then the next sentence she's back in her own A-10. That was kind of immersion breaking for me. Again, this might be an ED issue, but I lost comms with her at one point right before having to talk to Vandal. Thank goodness the reminder message appeared in the top right corner. Lastly, NOD's. She spells it out, I think twice. NOD's, even though an acronym, is pronounced as a word. Not spelled out. Being retired military, that was weird to hear. Just an FYI for future campaigns. Everything else though, was top notch. An amazing job! Really looking forward to part II. I have The Enemy Within but I only did the first two missions and I want to finish/start it over after Iron Flag II. There's just so much information packed into the missions, I feel like I'd be better prepared, perhaps. Kudos and Thank You!
  3. Maybe your guy just identifies as American? Also, that flag should be subdued.
  4. Yep, that's exactly what's happening. I drove myself nuts trying to "fix" it with my graphics settings. Thank you for the response.
  5. I'm experiencing shifting clouds when banking, pitching, etc. The only time I don't see the clouds shifting, moving up and down, is only during straight, level flight and not looking around. I'd post my settings but it won't matter as I have tried every setting that I can think of that would affect the clouds. Even DLSS, DLAA, etc. has no effect. Is this a thing in DCS that others are experiencing?
  6. During the training mission of BFT05, I kept getting terminated during the slow level flight at FL100, HDG 210, IAS 160. Always right before doing the slow 360 left hand turn. After approximately 7 attempts, I decided to just try the qualification. Nailed it the first attempt with a Qualified rating. I guess this is just an FYI so you can check the parameters for future attempts by others. Really liking this campaign and looking forward to the other two when I complete this one. Thank you for these!
  7. Having this boundary in the kneeboard would be beneficial.
  8. Great, thank you!
  9. I am having the same problem, so far it's only with BFT01.
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