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Everything posted by Adamemnon

  1. I had the same issue (the blank bar on the right of the F10 map), and setting the GUI to 1x fixed it instantly. I use 1x 4k tv screen, with 3x Winwing MFD's Even with the GUI set to 1.5x (so I can see whats on the screen without binoculars) it worked fine - until - while on a multiplayer map "Connection Timed Out" (while I was setting up controls in the menu). I even tried deleting the Save Games\DCS.OpenBeta\ folder completely, which worked and fixed the issue for several hours until it happened again...
  2. For me, this is happening every time after I land on the carrier (any and all supercarriers, not tried the Russian/ British carriers). But, I don't have an issue if I have just spawned on the carrier (either cold or hot). After landing I've tried... Wheel brakes/ no wheel brakes. Chocks/ no chocks. Shutting down/ stay running... Same result "Hey! What are you doing" (if the carrier is moving at all) First noticed the issue on the Grim Reapers Stoneburner server, but tried it in others and in a single player, and in the in-built F18 campaign, with the exact same result.
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