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Everything posted by Kosta

  1. Ok I think I've found the reason why I wasn't able to load all 4 crates, it's not a bug in the mission! It turns out, when you select 1 of the crates in the F6 menu (All Cargos...) to mark it with smoke, you can not select it again as internal cargo and "disappears" from the list of available cargo. If you want to use the crate you've marked with smoke, you would need to go to the F6. All Cargos... > F1. Cancel choosing cargo, after that you are able to load as internal cargo again! Made a short video that shows it: (Yes, blades were chipped during the filming of this video, please ignore it ) Now I don't know if this is the way the devs expect it to work, or if it is a bug in the CH-47F cargo system.
  2. Hi, thank you so much for this mission!! Super helpful to get some practice in this beast! Unfortunately I do have the same problem the other person reported, I don't have the option to load the 4th medical crate. It is visually there with the other 3 crates, but there's no option to load it. I've looked at the mission in the ME and there is only 3 crates! Will do some more test later on to see if I can make it work.
  3. +1 How is it possible to not have yet implemented the option to cycle through bookmarked pages??
  4. Just to be sure, are you using the regular "\" radio menu? Or did you mapped a button for the FR22 radio? I've been doing the Red Flag campaign lately and no problems so far with the radio comms. You have to be sure to be in the correct preset also. Chuck's guide for reference: https://chucksguides.com/aircraft/dcs/ajs-37/
  5. Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I do not have any mod for the Viggen. After the 2nd crash I deleted the A-4E mod as the discord bot suggested and the only mod left in my game is the TacView plugin. I don't even have custom livery for the Viggen.
  6. I've been doing some Viggen campagins lately and randomly I got a CTD. First two ctd's were in the "The Battle for Caucasus" campaign, the latest one in the Red Flag campaign. First one was at the exact moment where I crashed in the water: dcs.log-20250207-114705.zip Second one, same day, iirc I was just chilling going to a waypoint (don't remember too much about this ctd): dcs.log-20250207-223850.zip After that I got into ED's discord log-analyzer and followed some of the tips the bot recommends and went without any CTD until today. Doing the Viggen's Red Flag (mission 08) I was flying to the waypoint B4 and it randomly crashed: dcs.log-20250211-204133.zip Anyone who understand how to read this files can give me some tips and help me avoid this crashes?
  7. I have it too. I guess it's just early access stuff.
  8. As the title says, Wanted to do some practice with the HOBOS and saw a created Instant action in the Marianas map, didn't know why the bombs didn't work until I checked on the exterior camera and found myself "naked"! Instant Action: F-4E-DSCG - Faralon - Hobos (don't know if I have to report this here, or in the general ED bug subforum)
  9. Orbx people shared this on their discord, winter is coming!
  10. https://mozaracing.com/flight (no price yet )
  11. Saw it yesterday, really interesting. Great move by Moza to have the compatibility with other third parties joysticks, it gives people the option to upgrade to FFB for a (hopefully) reasonable price! Now we will have to wait until they announce the big question, how much it will cost? I've never tried a FFB joystick so I don't know if 9nm it's enough or how much force the other FFB options have.
  12. Thanks for the feedback guys! I believe it won't take long to get my hands on it Yeah, campaigns in the Kola map it's something I'm really looking forward, I know it will take some time as the map it's still in the early phases of development. Sure they will be amazing!
  13. Hello! "new" player here, I was thinking of getting the Viggen as my 2nd or 3rd module because I loved what I've seen so far of this beautiful machine, but I saw in the ED store that it's still listed as Early Access (after 5 years iirc), so I was wondering, what does it have left to include/fix/develop until it comes out of EA?
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