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About Hex

  • Birthday May 12

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    Flight Simulator X, Lock On
  • Location
  • Interests
    Animation, Gaming, and design
  • Occupation
  1. Aye, why do u ask lol. Edit: I forgot that I made a post asking that already xD
  2. Hey, is this still an active thread?
  3. Hey is this still an active thread?
  4. I can be the NATO Pilot voice :3. Canadian or American please :thumbup:
  5. I seem to be having this problem too, any ideas?
  6. Awesome, the experience will be good for me. Hopefully I'll get my gear setup and get some practice in before I start :D Also just a few quick questions. I am relatively new so pardon me, but will I be able to play the older version of Lock On when I get lock on FC2? I heard you could just get FC2 instead of getting FC and then the second version. Is that correct? Also, is the story behind LOMAC is that its a fight between the Russians and the Georgians? and NATO is on the Georgian side? Just need to clear that part up for story reasons (I'm working on a story using lomac as a base)
  7. Hey spades, still need another voice actor/Pilot for the NATO side?
  8. Just need to check something. In the LOMAC series its always Russians vs Georgians story wise?
  9. Hmm...maybe I should contribute to the Ed wiki then. Also the Rp angle I had is something I came up with when I discovered the Log book and mission editor in LOMAC. I started making characters in it and using the mission editor along with this and created stories with the game. Also currently I am building up a site for a squadron I am planning to create in the near future (the 43rd Mixed Aviation Squadron) and its going to be an Rp Squadron based on a squad I created in the original lock on (I still dont have Flaming Cliffs 2) Some examples of what I was thinking of would be this; http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/108th_Tactical_Fighter_Squadron http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/Blaze http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/Kei_Nagase_(AC5) I hope this helps explain what I wanted. I await a reply. :book:
  10. I think thats a great idea. I already have a wiki up as well as eagle.ru so maybe you should contact the person in charge of eagle (or contact me :p)and talk to them bout the idea.
  11. I checked out your wiki and its close to what I want to do but I was planning on adding more of a RP addition to mine, allowing people to create profiles like the Log Book in LOMAC for some of us who like that ^^'' I am still working on a name for it. Currently I have a test wiki up called http://lomacadv.wikia.com/wiki/Lock_On_Wiki . I am working on scripting on the site. Also if you want to help me out more pm me and I will give ya my email. I await a response 8)
  12. Hex

    Skin Help

    Nevermind o_o
  13. I wonder how they are in a combat situation :p
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