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Everything posted by jimblue74

  1. I see that there are 3 campaign for F-14B, all three have the same name, but one is (cold start), one is (HOT start) and one has no indication in brackets. What is the difference? I think cold stard is from ramp with engine off, but I do not understand the other two ones.
  2. Hi, another questions. When I contact the JTAC to get information on the target which he then has to illuminate with the laser, the JTAC gives me various information, including the type of target, the distance, the coordinates, the laser code…. understand three voices. 1) Heading. Should be the direction, but compared to what? Compared to a particular waypoint? 2) Distance. Like above. Compared to what? 2) Coordinates. I have seen that we usually speak of coordinates such as N / S xx.xx.xx - W / E xx.xx.xx. However, in this case, the JTAC gives me the coordinates in a format that I don't know, like NB123456 (example). How do I read them? Maybe to set them as a waypoint… ..can they be translated into coordinates in the normal format?
  3. Thankyou very much. One thing, when I select gbu12, I also select auto bomb mode with OSB, but in the hud appear often ccip mode, and i can't changoe it to auto mode. Why?
  4. I need advice on how to use GBUs with the JTAC that illuminates the target with laser. I don't want to bother you all the time, so I searched on YouTube, in the manuals, but found nothing. So let me explain, I "learned" (big word) to: launch AGM65 F with TV guide of the missile warhead; launch AGM65 E (I could be confused with the abbreviations) guiding it both with the FLIR on board the plane and with the JTAC laser; launch GBU by guiding them with the FLIR aboard my plane. Instead I don't understand how to launch GBUs by guiding them with the laser indicated by the JTAC (without onboard FLIR). I arrive at the IP, I make all the radio calls with the JTAC until asking for the lighting of the target, I select STORES- GBU12 (for example) - I set the fuze, the laser code, the quantity (possibly), the AUTO mode (also here I don't quite understand, sometimes it takes it right away, other no, it stays in CCIP and only after several attempts does she go to AUTO), then I don't know what to do, how do I "connect" the GBU to the JTAC laser? In AGM65, just press the OSB button on the DDI where the STORES page is displayed (with Maverick already selected) and access the specific page of the AGM65, the one with the circle in the center, set the SOI on that MFD, unlock the heat and it should automatically lock your target, then launch the missile. On GBUs, without onboard FLIR, I don't know how. If you answer me briefly, thank you very much, because I have been working for two days without success. Thanks and happy new year to all!
  5. I see that there is the "sensor control switch depress" command, but no key is binded. Is it implemented? How it works?
  6. Is there a reset trim key, or a button on the cockpit to reset the trim?
  7. I hope also an improvment of 3D models of AI Aircraft. Some of which date back to Lock On period.
  8. I have a doubt I hope it can solve. I am a little confused between the A-A ACM (air combat maneuvering) and AACQ (automatic acquisition) modes. I know that the ACM is for the acquisition and engagement of targets at a short distance, to select it you must be in AA mode and press the FWD sensor, then, once in ACM you can choose the GACQ (gun acquisition) sub-modes with sensor right, BST (BORESIGHT) with sensor FWD, VACQ (vertical acquisition) with sensor AFT and WACQ (wide acquisition) with sensor left. Instead, how is AACQ selected and how does it differ from ACM? Thank you.
  9. Thank you, for the tutorial videos I prefer wait for the official training mission, because I have difficulty understanding spoken english language (I'm from Italy), but I really appreciate the Mudspike pdf guide. Thanks. I hope official training mission will be out soon.
  10. Yesterday, after the free w.e., I purchased the bundle and I'm very happy, I like F18 very much. In the mini updates thread, I read this: "New interactive training missions for CASE I recovery, AIM-9, and AIM-120 are now being created.". But in my training section, in the game, I don't see any weapon training missions. Is it possible beacause I have the no-beta version installed?
  11. I'm new in this game/simulation and I'm on mission 2, but I do not know how to start. I'm in parking area and start up my F-15......and now? What should i do? The Aircraft in front of me doesn't move. I try to contact ground crew and ATC, but I'm confused... Could someone tell me the exact procedure (radio communications and so on) to get to the take-off phase? Another question, in this campaign should you know how to use bulleye? how to take off / fly / land / use the weapon systems I'm studying them in the digital manuals, but as for the radio communications to be done to start the mission I did not find anything. Thank you very much and excuse me my english (I'm from Italy:))
  12. SUrely it's like as real life, but i'd like an option to remove it, to turn it on/off.
  13. As title, is it possible to remove the green effect lens on front glass cockipt of A-10C (and A-10A)? I'd like to have a trasparent glass cockpit....thank you.
  14. Grazie mille. Non so se ne hai bisogno, ti mando in pm la mia email.
  15. Scrivo anche qua, visto che siamo tutti italiani magari mi date una mano. Ho questo sim da moltissimo tempo ma non ho mai iniziato a giocarci in quanto spaventato/affascinato dalla sua complessità, benché da "giovane" giocavo regolarmente a Falcon 4.0. Ora che è uscita la 2.5, vorrei tanto riprenderlo in mano, ma per prima cosa mi servirebbe un buon profilo per il mio Saitek X52 non Pro. I moduli che posseggo sono: A10-C FC3 F-5 F-86 Per gli aerei di FC3 ho trovato un buon profilo nell'apposita sezione del sito ufficiale, ma non trovo niente per l'A10-C. O non funzionano/riesco a farli funzionare o sono troppo complessi da installare/adattare. Me ne consigliate uno voi per favore? Mi va bene qualsiasi modo, tipo link diretti o se ne avete voglia mandatemeli tramite mail (ve la mando in privato).
  16. I'm new of this simulation, I have it from many years, but i don't play. Now that 2.5 is out i would learn to play. First, I need a good and simple profile for my X52 non Pro HOTAS. I search on user page of official website, but some of them don't work, other are a bit difficult to install. Could you suggest me a good profile for A10-C?
  17. excuse me excuse me excuse me. I'm italian i don't speak english very well. Please, can you write the entire procedure, step to step, to how install this 2.5 ob, for me, and other people, who must do fresh install? Now, I'm downloading 1.5. When i finish, I'll have 1.5 stable or 1.5.8 stable? I'm confused.
  18. But after i have installed 1.5 stable, I must directly install 2.5 ob with updater, or after i installed 1.5 stable i must convert to 1.5.8 beta then install 2.5 ob?
  19. Thanks. And for Nevada map (that i have purchased) is it included?
  20. I have purchased Nevada mounths ago, but, now, I have not installed any dcs version or module as I formatted some days ago. So, tell me if I'm wrong, first I must to install 1.5 stable, then 2.2 OA, then, with updater, convert all in 2.5 OB. Is it true? Or can I skip to re install Nevada map as the updater download it?
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