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Everything posted by sunshine_db

  1. Yeah, well, it's funnier in RL watching someone with VR goggles. Even better when they lean forward to study the engine instruments and smack their own chin on the joystick. Or look over their shoulder while leaning out the cockpit to watch the engine spool, and fall out of their chair. Man, that was a good one. VR is dangerous. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi Frixon, They released a campaign separately for the MiG-15 and F-86 called Museum Relic. I think you can use one plane or the other. But you have to purchase it additionally, check the DCS website, under campaigns. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Just another idea for you to consider.... I never really noticed this issue until I got a Vive. Then I immediately felt like I had my face mashed against the windshield in the A-10, and looking under my own armpit to adjust the lighting panel and everything was just a pain. So I centered the view so my head was where you describe above, you know, against the headrest, and all is fixed. I agree, the view is cut off if using a monitor but it's not in the Vive. If i close my right eye, I cannot see the details on the left of the HUD, if I close my left eye, I cannot see the details on the right. But with both eyes open. I can see everything. Your brain overlaps them and sorts it out for you. I'm going to take a stab and say this is how it works in RL. Eg. In the BF-109, the gunsight is on the right, and the glass is very small, not large enough for you to look threw with both eyes, so you only use one! Your brain figures out the rest. So, maybe redraw your diagrams for two eyes, see what you get? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Awesome! Its looking to be a very professional job Platypus. You inspired me to make something a little... easier. I just finished my attempt this weekend... its a bit more compact. And my wiring looks like vomit compared to yours...so i wont show it. Please try to make something with a switch cover in game, because i cannot for the life of me work out how to modify the lua file to first open the switch cover and the press the button with one button press of my panel switch... My Bombardment/Shooting sticker is around the wrong way, yes... i must fix this.
  5. Hey Thanks Snuggles, this is great!
  6. I've seen this too, my guess is there is no detailed map for that particular part of the world. The maps on the TAD are actual aviation maps. And if there is no map for that part of the world available, then it can't exist. So the black SECTIONS you are viewing, are the EDGE of that particular map. Eg. Melbourne Australia, where i fly, there are more detailed maps for the main city area than there are for the countryside. So i wouldn't say its a bug. Hope this helps mate.
  7. Careful here, if you change the waypoint's elevation to 0, and the waypoint is actually 500ft above sea level, your TGP will focus on a position in space taht is 500ft below the ground. Therefore, it will be unreliable for looking at a target on the ground at the given waypoint. We all know there are training missions with the targets at waypoints.
  8. Apparantly the mission creator set the waypoints in the air insted of on the ground. Best bet is to edit the waypoints, only takes a few seconds once you know how to do it. Find your way to the Waypoint screen on the CDU: (my favorite is to select STEER with the PAGE knob, then click the LSK/OSB for WAYPOINT) This will place you on the waypoint editing page, and if you just RE-ENTER one of the GPS Coordinates into the scratch pad, exactly as it already appears, and hit the relevant LSK it will automajically adjust the waypoint to the ground elevation! Easy!
  9. On the up front controller, push the select rocker, or data rocker, or both. i cant remember what way, just mash them until it changes. It will change it to manual elevation selection. BUT be aware. its more complicated than you might think. The Gun reticule is using whatever elevation you set in there, so if you attempt to attack something at another elevation, you gun reticule with be wrong! Its best to leave it set as DTS (which constantly uses the correct elevation for the position the gun is aiming at). And use the CDU to tell you the waypoint's elevation. Quickest way is probably to flick PAGE KNOB to STEER and select Waypoint with the appropriate LSK. This will give you all the info you need on your current Steer point. I hope that all came out alright, it made sense in my head.
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